Stay certified

Ensure continuous success with SAP Certification

How long is my certification valid?

Because SAP products evolve rapidly, as of April 2024, everyone with an SAP Certification needs to keep their skills and certification valid by completing mandatory yearly assessments.
You need an active SAP Learning Hub subscription to take the short assessment to stay certified. You can access preparation material and take the assessment at any time.
SAP Certifications are valid for one year. If your certification was issued before April 2024, it will expire on March 31, 2025.
Act now to stay certified.

Follow these steps to stay certified

1. Get an SAP Universal ID

Make sure you have a valid SAP Universal ID with at least two email accounts assigned to it. If you don’t, watch the video for instructions.

2. Ensure you have an SAP Learning Hub subscription to access the assessment to stay certified

If you have no subscription, you’ll need to book and retake the full 2-3 hour SAP Certification exam every year. Check your subscription or subscribe to SAP Learning Hub.

3. Check your certification status
Log in to My Learning to see your certifications and their expiration dates.

Make sure you complete the short annual assessment as soon as possible to extend the validity of your certification by 12 months. 
If the certification has been retired and you want to retain your certified status, you need to re-certify in an alternative certification. Find recommended alternatives using the SAP Certification finder

4. Prepare for the assessment
Find preparation courses or live sessions linked under your certification.

5. Take the assessment
The assessment is a short, non-proctored quiz with unlimited attempts. Once you’ve completed it successfully, the validity of your certification will be extended by 12 months.

SAP Learning Group

Join our SAP Learning Group moderated by an SAP Learning expert.
Ask your questions about digital learning journeys, prepare thoroughly for SAP Certification exams, and work together with other learners to reach your learning goals.

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