SAP Commerce Cloud Onboarding Resource Center (ORC)


After completing this lesson, you will be able to leverage offerings provided by the SAP Commerce Cloud Onboarding Resource Center.

SAP Commerce Cloud Onboarding Resource Center (ORC)

The SAP Onboarding Resource Center (ORC) is designed to provide insight and actionable items that support the implementation process for a smooth transition and a successful go live.

Learn more about key resources available by utilizing quick overviews of key topics in combination with best practices and keys to success.

The Onboarding Resource Center (ORC) is updated frequently for both content and topics.

We recommend bookmarking the Onboarding Resource Center (ORC).

Screenshot of the Onboarding Resource Center

SAP Commerce Cloud specific Onboarding Resource Center

SAP Onboarding Resource Center for other cloud solutions

You can schedule a welcome session to familiarize yourself with an overview of key assets and tools to proactively manage your Cloud implementation project.

SAP Cloud Services Onboarding Session


Leveraging the Onboarding Resource Center will provide you with the necessary resources to access SAP resources and documentation for a strategic project. You can also request an Onboarding session to familiarize yourself with key assets and tools.

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