Demonstrating AI Workbench: Hello AI Workbench World!


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Generate Synthetic Data for Profiles and Orders
  • Configure the Application Source and Events to Ingest the Synthetic Customer Profiles and Orders Data
  • Verify the Churn and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Predictive Indicators

Generating Synthetic Data for Profiles and Orders

Since we are talking about Artificial Intelligence, why not use a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate a considerable input dataset of Synthetic customer Profile and Activity data needed to see these models in action?

But before writing down the synthetic data requirements, let’s see one sample for Profile data:

Code Snippet
{ "masterDataId": "1", "firstName": "Tara", "lastName": "Willis", "gender": 9, "birthDate": "1970-12-27", "nationality": "KH", "language": "sw", "primaryEmail": "", "primaryPhone": "+1-337-249-3281x99476", "country": "DM", "timestamp": "2024-07-13T01:24:09.394159" }


gender is a number that fulfills the extended ISO 5218 table:

9Non Determined

Now let’s see a sample for Order data:

Code Snippet
{ "id": "50ad80ee-939d-439d-8f6c-1964b0220850", "currency": "NAD", "tax": 12.05, "amount": 53.9, "productId": "52", "timestamp": "2024-10-18T17:34:50.513574", "masterDataId": "1" }

Remember that LLMs cannot generate a very big response to prompts, so instead of just asking for all the synthetic data as one or multiple JSON payloads, we can ask the LLM to generate source code that in turn will generate all the data we need. After that we run the source code in our machines and upload the resulting JSON files into a cloud storage that will be used by the Application Source and its Events configured in the SAP Customer Data Platform Console.

While your synthetic test data requirements might be different, one good starter scenario to generate Profile data in a controlled way that will give you a good example of how the Churn and CLV Models work can be as follows:

  • Each profile includes a masterDataId, firstName, lastName, gender, birthDate, nationality, language, primaryEmail, primaryPhone, country, and a timestamp.
  • The timestamp for each profile is generated to be between 1 year ago and 61 days ago from today.
  • Gender values are assigned using the specified gender table.

Same goes for Orders, here is a starter scenario for fake Orders data that can be used as input for the SAP Customer Data Platform AI Workbench Models:

  • Each order includes currency, tax, amount, productId, timestamp, id, and masterDataId (matching the profile's masterDataId).
  • The timestamp for each order is generated to be between 60 days ago and now.
  • Orders are distributed based on the specified criteria:
    • 10% of profiles have no orders.
    • 20% have one small order in the last 2 months.
    • 30% have 4 to 8 small orders in the last 2 months.
    • 20% have one large order in the last 2 months.
    • 20% have 4 to 8 large orders in the last 2 months.

As for numbers and timestamps for Profiles and Orders, one possibility is asking the LLM for a dataset that’s composed of 50k customer Profiles that were created between 1 year ago and 61 days ago. Some of these will have a number of Orders with low and high amounts. All orders were placed between 60 days ago and today. Also, don’t forget to tell the LLM about the Profile and Order schema attributes.

Configuring the Application Source and Events to Ingest the Synthetic Customer Profiles and Orders Data

Upload your files to one of the Cloud Storage systems supported by SAP CDP and proceed with the configuration of the Application Source and two Events, one to ingest the synthetic Profiles and another to ingest the synthetic Orders. Then trigger a manual ingestion for each of the events.

Unit 3 Executing CDP Data Ingestion of Learning JourneyExploring SAP Customer Data Platform Essentials provides all the necessary knowledge on how to setup SAP CDP for Customer Profile and Activity data ingestion.

After having your Profiles and Orders ingested, follow the instructions in Objective 3 of Lesson 1 Configuring, Running, and Publishing a Model to either setup the "Churn (Profile)" Model or "Customer Lifetime Value (Profile)" Model, or maybe even both!

Verifying the Churn and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Predictive Indicators

Once the Predictive Indicators are calculated you can check for their values by going to the main SAP CDP Console, choosing Search Customer feature on the main menu, picking a customer and checking the Predictive Indicators section under the Details tab.

Customer screen showing some Profile data for the hypothetical customer named Rebecca Martin with some contact information, IDs, history, Unique Identifiers, and their Customer Lifetime Value Indicator clv_2mo and Churn Indicator churn_2mo values.

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