Utilizing Reports in the Context of User Maintenance


After completing this lesson, you will be able to utilize IAM information apps for reporting on Business Users.

IAM Information System App

SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition contains reporting applications that provide insightful information with regard to business users and business roles.

IAM Information System App - Main Screen

The IAM Information System app displays an overview of business users in your system and the business roles and restrictions that are assigned to them. It also provides information about the usage of business roles, business catalogs, business users and restrictions, and how they are related.

example of Business Role and Business User IDs

If you want to look up more information about a business role, derived business role, business user, business catalog, business role template, or restriction, you can jump directly to the respective app by clicking the entity.

Also, you can use this app for administrative tasks as part of your daily work.

IAM Information System App list of actions

IAM Key Figures App

IAM Key Figures App - Main Screen

With the IAM Key Figures app, you can get a quick overview of the critical issues for your business users and business roles. You can, for example, check if business users are locked or have too many business roles assigned. The relevant information is displayed in detailed charts so that you can view the required figures at a glance.

Report on Business Users

In the exercise below you will access some of the IAM Key Figure reports related to business users.


You can filter for the productive business roles in your area, for example by adding a certain namespace followed by an asterisk (*) in the Filter by Business Role ID field in the tile configuration.

  • Business user price categories
  • Business roles with default values from business catalogs
IAM Key Figures App - list of activities


You should now have an understanding of the IAM Information System and IAM Key Figures apps and a knowledge of how these apps can be used to provide useful information and datasets concerning the business users in your system.

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