Exploring the Essentials: Sourcing Availability and Integration
In Order Management , understanding sourcing availability is pivotal. This involves configuring the sourcing process, conducting simulations, and inquiring about product availability through APIs. Three key APIs play a role: Availability to Sell, Availability to Sell by Site, and Availability Calculation. The first provides the overall product availability, considering reservations and safety stock across all sites. The second narrows it down to a specific site or list of sites. The third, Availability Calculation, goes a step further by incorporating a strategy ID, giving aggregated availability specific to the associated strategy.
The system will accept three types of availability requests, all available as open APIs:
- Availability to Sell
The system will return the availability to sell for each of the products included in the request across all sites
- Availability to Sell by Site
The system will return the availability of each product included in the request at each of the sites included in the request and from when each will be available
- Availability Calculation
The system will return the availability to sell for each of the products included in the request across all sites associated to the sourcing strategy ID included in the request
Dive deeper into availability queries with open APIs. Uncover the intricacies of Availability to Sell requests, allowing you to specify quantities and receive real-time responses on product availability. Explore optional features like requesting a required quantity and defining specific contexts for product-site combinations. The context field acts as a protective layer on inventory, ensuring tailored visibility based on channels or regional webshops. These optional fields add flexibility to your sourcing inquiries.
Availability to sell is defined as the inventory at hand minus the reservations and minus the safety stock, if any.
Optionally, the request, independently of the type, can include:
- A specific required quantity of a certain product, in which case the system will respond on whether they have that required quantity or not
- A context. The context field can be used as stock segmentation. If it is used, then the response will only include the subset of available products labelled with such context