Business Example
As an internal sales rep, John regularly receives contracts or maintains contract data in XLSX files. When creating sales contracts, he needs to manually enter document data and create them one by one in the Create Sales Contracts app.
With the Import Sales Contracts app, John can batch-create sales contracts directly from XLSX spreadsheet files. After a file is uploaded, the system automatically creates sales contracts, thereby reducing manual workload and enhancing work efficiency for internal sales reps.

Before using the app, add either of the following to your user:
- Business role template Internal Sales Representative (SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP)
- Two business catalogs:
- Sales - Sales Contract Import (SAP_SD_BC_CONTR_IMPORT)
- Sales - Sales Document Import (SAP_SD_BC_SLSDOC_IMPORT)
When accessing the Import Sales Contracts app for the first time, open the Import Sales Documents app and choose the sales contract card.

For easier future access, we recommend that you save the Import Sales Contracts app as a tile after opening it for the first time.
Support for Sales Contract Types
This app supports sales contract types that do not require document creation with reference.
Key users can check whether a sales contract type requires document creation with reference. To do so, open the Customizing activity Define Sales Document Types under Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents.

We recommend that you download a standard template before an import. This template provides a list of sales document fields that are either required or optional for an import.

The sheet provides a list of sales document fields that are either required (marked with an asterisk) or optional. You can add optional fields to the document data sheet as needed.
Field names are unique technical identifiers of sales document fields and serve as a basis for data import.

You can add/delete optional fields and fill in document data in this sheet.

For example, if you want to add payer to the document data sheet, do the following:
- In the "Field List" sheet, find out the its field name.
- In the document data sheet, unhide the field name row (row 4 by default).
- Insert a column. Paste the field name and description as indicated in the next figure.

The figure shows an example of field names and descriptions for a header text in the document data sheet.
You can import texts for text types already enabled on header or item level. The import serves to create new texts but cannot change existing texts derived through text determination.Note
If you do not specify language here, your system logon language will be defaulted for the text upon sales documentation creation.
If you want to use your own XLSX file, instead of the template, for an import, follow the instructions below:
- In the Field List sheet of the template, look up field names mapped to your sales document fields.
- In your own XLSX file, insert a row (field name row below) to contain the mapped field names above document data, and ensure the following:
The leftmost field of the row is the temporary document ID (for example, "HEADER.SALESQUOTATION").
Another row exists in between the field name row and your document data. It is recommended to fill the former row with field descriptions.

For Product, Customer Material, and GTIN, at least one of them is required. The import is based on your given product, or on a product determined from your given customer material or GTIN.If you do not specify Product, ensure that the given customer material or GTIN has been configured in master data.
Prerequisites for Preview
Your file must meet the following requirements for a successful preview:
- In XLSX format
- Contains field names of all required fields
- Contains at least one sales document
- Smaller than 10 MB, with no more than 1000 rows of document data
Revise Document Data in Your File
After filling in document data and uploading your file, you can preview the document data, including header and item details.
If your file contains missing or invalid information, such information may not show in the preview and you cannot proceed to import sales documents. Revise your file by referring to the error message displayed before attempting to reupload.
Generally, you need to pay attention to missing or invalid information at three levels:
- Column level
- Row level
- Cell level

The column is not available for preview if the field name for the column is missing or incorrect.

The row is not available for preview due to missing temporary document ID, duplicate document data, or inconsistent header data.

Missing or invalid entries (for example, invalid sales document type) at the cell level should be highlighted in your preview. If you do not see them, choose Show Details to show more fields.
For example, a row is highlighted in red on its edge, but you cannot locate any abnormal field in header or item data. In this case, choose Show Details. After that, you can see the missing entries. Please refer to message details and fill in the required data in your file.

After you have verified the data integrity and validity of the file, you can import sales documents from your preview page. It may take some time before document creation is completed. You can track your imports to check import details (for example, creation status).

The figure shows where to click the button to track the current import or all your imports.

View all imports regarding their overall processing status, import time, as well as the number of successful and failed creations. For details about corrective import or manual completion of imports/import items, see the coming sections.

By branching to an import, you can view details about all import items. Each import item (with a temporary document ID) can be seen as a document creation request.

Check the document creation status and the application log (containing messages related to document creation) of individual import items.

When an import contains errors (indicating that document creation has failed or partially failed), you can revise your file data and perform a corrective import on the object page. The corrective import targets previously failed records only.

For sales documents that have been successfully created, you can navigate to related apps from newly generated document IDs.

When an import contains errors (indicating that document creation has failed or partially failed) but you don't want to continue with further processing, you can manually complete the import (on the list page) or any failed import item (on the object page).
When you complete an import, the system sets all failed import items within as completed.
The figure shows where to click to adapt your table view. Here you can configure displayed columns, column sort order, additional filter criteria, and grouping rules.

After you have configured all aspects of your screen (filter selection, filter values, displayed columns, column sort order, and so on) to your liking, you can save time by saving this exact screen configuration as a view variant and loading it back up any time you want.
If you want, you can set this view variant to load by default when you open the app. You can also share saved views with other users.