Integrating with Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management


After completing this lesson, you will be able to outline the business requirements and solution for how EPPM integrated with returns process

Integration with EPPM

Business Requirement

Customers can use Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management (EPPM) with project profiles to differentiate between accounting scenarios. Projects with revenue allow you to plan and post costs and revenues for your projects. The billing elements in such a project structure are work breakdown structure (WBS) elements.

When a returns order is created with a reference to a preceding sales order or invoice that initiated from EPPM, the system copies the work breakdown structure (WBS) element from the reference document into the returns order. The WBS element can then be copied into the subsequent refund-related documents (such as the credit memo request or delivery free of charge) and then carried over to financial accounting.

The following data are mandatory for a project creation:

  • Project Name and Project ID
  • Project Profile: Project with Revenue
  • Planned start date and finish date
  • Responsible Cost Center
  • Profit Center

You can navigate to the Project Planning app to create or maintain the work breakdown structure (WBS) of the project.

Within the app, you can do the following:

  • Create and delete the work breakdown structure (WBS) of an enterprise project
  • View the planned project timeline in a Gantt chart
  • Edit master data of the project and its WBS elements

By creating WBS elements, you split up the project into portions that can be planned, monitored, and controlled with regard to time, budget, costs, etc.

The work breakdown structure consists of the project definition and the WBS elements, which can be arranged in a hierarchy with the project definition as the uppermost element.

In the Project Control - Enterprise Projects app, you can set the processing status from Created to Released. This status indicates that a project or WBS element is now ready for execution. All the lower-level WBS elements that have the status Created are automatically released along with it.

Once a project or WBS element has been released, you can post commitments or actual costs to it. You can record dates for released projects and WBS elements as well as milestones of released projects.

You can create sales order and assign the WBS element that has just been created in the project. Once the WBS element is assigned, you can find the sales order linked with the original project ID from Project Planning app.

You can create outbound delivery for this sales order via Create Outbound Delivery - With Order Reference. Then you could use Manage Outbound Deliveries - VL06O for picking and post goods issue.

You can create billing document via Create Billing Documents app based on the outbound delivery. You can find the dedicated WBS element on the billing document item level.

You can refer sales order or invoice to create returns order. The WBS element will be copied from the reference document to returns order. You can choose monetary refund or replacement order for the refund. The WBS element will be used in either refund document types.

If you choose monetary refund, the WBS element is used in the subsequent credit memo request and credit memo.

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