In the AS ABAP, different tools for monitoring the correct functioning of the Web service runtime are at your disposal. You can deal with any errors that may occur using the tools provided.
Monitoring the Web service runtime is part of the central monitoring operation.
The following tools are provided for monitoring the Web service runtime:
Alert Monitor for Web Services
The Alert Monitor for Web Services triggers an alert if problems occur during the configuration of the Web service runtime, if there are runtime errors of different error categories, and whenever there are performance bottlenecks after certain threshold values have been exceeded.
Using this monitor, you can check whether the Web service runtime works correctly. The Web Service Monitor triggers an alert if the Web service runtime does not function correctly. The alert monitor consists of two areas:
- Infrastructure:
Checks technical background services that are required by the Web service runtime infrastructure to run correctly. Some of the settings relate to the entire system, and some of them are client-specific.
- Message Processing:
Displays the most important errors from the Web service error log. For each error category, the information from the error log is displayed for each client.
If you display an alert for the client you are currently logged on to, you can navigate to the error log directly from the alert monitor. Note that the alert monitor and the error log use different time periods for their analyses. Therefore, the number of entries in the error log and in the alert monitor can differ slightly.
- Infrastructure:
- Logs and Tracing (in the SOA Manager tool):
- The logging function provides information on processing steps in the SOAP runtime. With the tracing function, you can analyze errors or performance problems in detail.
- First, configure the logging and tracing. Configuring Logging and Configuring Tracing.
- Then, display the information: Displaying Logs and Traces.
- Changes to the SOA configuration and publications are also logged in addition to this.
- Web Service Support Utilities:
The Web Service Support Utilities allow you to observe the processes in the Web service runtime:
- Monitoring ABAP Web Service Messages.
- Monitoring Event-Controlled Processing:
When you are searching for errors, check whether the Task Watcher is being started at regular intervals. This is another prerequisite for reliable message transmission and transaction processing in the SOAP runtime.
- bgRFC Units Debugging:
You can debug a Web service with errors on the provider side using units of the bgRFC (Background Remote Function Call).
- Virus Scan for ABAP Web Services:
On the provider side, you can use the Web services virus scan to scan incoming messages for viruses. Both the message payload and the message attachments are scanned for viruses at Web service runtime. If a virus infection is detected, message processing is stopped and a system error is displayed in the message monitor (transaction code: SRT_MONI) and in the error log.