Creating a First Application With SAP Build Apps


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create your first app with SAP Build apps

Create Your First App With SAP Build Apps

Business Scenario

You are going to build an app that lets you scan the barcode on a food product, then it calls an API to get the calorie content, and finally it displays the product name and calorie count.

Planned Target of this Exercise

Exercise Options

To start the exercise, choose Start Exercise in the figure below.

A pop-up opens. You have the following options:

  • Start: the simulation starts. Follow the simulation to learn how to create your first app with SAP Build Apps.
  • Open PDF Document: a pdf opens. Based on the steps described in this document, you can perform the exercises in your own system landscape.

Prerequisites for the Live Environment

  • You can create your own SAP Build Apps subscription on your SAP BTP sub account using a booster. If you do not have your own SAP BTP sub account, you can find instructions here on how to quickly set up a trial account.
  • Set up the SAP Build Apps Preview app on iOS or Android. When you are working on an app, it has a QR code, which you can scan from the preview app to open the app on the phone. Further information can be found in the documentation.

How to Obtain Support

To get support during the exercises, add your question in our SAP Learning Group.

Task Flow

In this exercise, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a new SAP Build Apps project.
  2. Create the user interface.
  3. Add logic to open the camera.
  4. Connect to Open Food Facts API.
  5. Fetch Data from API.
  6. Display Data from the API.

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