Business Case
You'll add a set of standard picklists for Germany. These picklists will support the required fields for Employee Central to Employee Central Payroll mapping. Use the Master MDF Picklist to create all the DEU-specific picklists. Take note that there are already some DEU-specific picklists that exist in the system.
To identify the DEU-specific picklists, filter the Id (Picklist.Code) column to show the values with _DEU in the code. Some DEU picklists are also identified by the (Picklist.Code) column.
The Regional Settings on your computer will affect how CSV files are opened in Microsoft Excel and how the files are validated during import. To avoid import errors due to unrecognized format, change the separator/delimiter in the Regional Settings to COMMA instead of semi-colon. Watch the video to review how to change the regional number format.Steps
Filter the Master Picklist to capture the German-specific picklist values.
Upload the picklists.
Watch the video to get a refresher on importing picklists.