Aligning Goals in Goal Management


After completing this lesson, you will be able to align goals using cascade methods

Goal Alignment

The goals set for a period can be aligned to other goals. Alignment creates the connection, sometimes called linkage, between goals on the goal plans of people throughout a company.

Goals may be aligned in the following ways:

  • Cascade-push

  • Cascade-pull

Goal alignment also allows employees to feel more tied to the organization’s goals. When goals are aligned, SAP SuccessFactors enables managers and others with certain rights to view information regarding the progress of the aligned goals.

Cascade-Push Alignment Method

The Cascade-Push Alignment method is the most common way to create alignment between goals and is usually performed downward in an organization structure. However, cascading may also be performed between any individuals in an organization regardless of level. This allows for the highest level of flexibility.

Watch this video to learn about Cascade-Push.

Cascade-Pull Alignment Method

If permissioned accordingly, any employee can pull a goal from another employee’s goal plan for alignment purposes.

Watch this video to learn about the Cascade-Pull Alignment method

Navigate the Goal Plan as an End-User

Business Example

As an HR manager for your company, you must proxy as different end-users, add new goals, cascade, align, and delete these goals. You will be exploring some of the functions and capabilities of the latest version of Goal Management, using a template already converted for that purpose.


  1. Proxy as Manny Manager and identify the following features of the goal plan:

    • People Selector. Check the existing users, which includes your manager and your direct report. There is a search box to find other users in the organization.
    • Verify there is already a goal created titled: Increase Customer Satisfaction.
    • Locate the following options in the Goal Plan main menu:
      • Performance Goal and Development Goal tabs, in order to navigate between your performance and development plans.
      • Goal Plan name and Start/End Dates
      • A Goal Summary which shows one goal and the different statuses.
      • The following buttons: Create Goal, Cascade Goal and a Print PDF icon.
      • 100% Weight (Total) which indicates the total weight of the goal plan.
      • An Introduction that can be selected and displays instructions for the end users about the goal plan.
    • Locate the following options in the Goal Card:
      • Goal Name and Days Overdue (the goal was created in 2013 before the template was converted, hence the number of days overdue is very high).
      • Dropdown option to change the goal status (currently the status is Not Yet Started).
      • Weight icon that displays a value of 100%
      • Complete bar that shows a value of 0%
      • A three-dot-actions menu (...) which displays these actions: Edit Goal, Delete Goal and Cascade Goal
    1. Log in to your training instance.

    2. On the name menu, select Proxy Now.

    3. In the Please enter target username field, enter Manny Manager.

    4. Navigate to Goals from the Home navigation menu or choose Manage My Goals quick action in the Home Page. You can alternatively use Action Search to navigate to the same location by entering the word goals and then selecting the option View my goals.

    5. In the Goals screen, identify the above features.

  2. Create a new goal in the Internal Business Processes category

    1. Choose Create Goal. A new Goal Creation Options menu will display.

    2. Select the option Create from Scratch to create a goal with a blank goal form.

    3. Add the following details (leave Start and End Dates as-is):

      • Goal Name: Provide compliance training for internal departments by the end of the year.
      • Category: Internal Business Processes.
      • Metric/Target: Training implemented on time.
      • Weight: 15%.
      • Complete: 20%.
      • Status: On Target.
    4. Add two Milestones using the details from the table below (select Add Row to add each one):


      Milestone 1Milestone 2
      Milestone: Q1 Training Implementation Review.Milestone: Q2 Training Implementation Review.
      Start Date: 01/01/2XXX (use current year).Start Date: 04/01/2XXX (use current year).
      Due Date: 03/31/2XXX (use current year).Due Date: 06/30/2XXX (use current year).
    5. Choose Save to save your goal.

    6. A popup window to confirm successful action will display. Select Close.

    7. Confirm that the goal plan shows the new goal created.

  3. Cascade the newly created goal to your direct report.

    1. On the new goal card, select ... to display the available actions, and choose Cascade Goal. You can also select the Cascade button beside the main button to create a goal you used previously.

    2. A Cascade Goal wizard will display with 3 steps: Select Recipients, Edit Goals (Optional) and Cascade. If you chose the main Cascade button, there will be an additional first step to select from your available goals, before selecting recipients.

    3. Select Edward Employee from My Team. Edward is your direct report.

    4. Additionally, you could use Via Search to find other employees to cascade the goal, based on Department, Location or other filters. Do not use this option now and proceed to step 2, choosing Next.

    5. Do not make changes to your goal and choose Next to move to the step 3.

    6. Choose the Cascade button to complete the action.

    7. Back to the goal plan, you may display a toast message Goal created through cascading.

    8. Select the Goal card to drill down into the goal details.

    9. Verify there is a Goal Alignment section which displays Aligned Down and a selectable picture of Edward Employee , the direct report that received the goal.

    10. Select the direct report picture, to navigate to Edward's goal details.

    11. Notice that the Goal Alignment section now shows Aligned Up and a selectable picture of Manny Manager.

  4. Create a new goal for Edward Employee.

    1. From the previous step in Edward Employee goal details, select the Goal Plan selectable link at the top of the page, to navigate back to the Goal Plan main page.

    2. Make sure that you are navigating Edward's Goal Plan. Edward will be highlighted in the People Selector. You can always select it again if not sure.

    3. Select Create Goal. Notice that the Goal Creation Options menu does not show up now, since the option to copy goals from goal plan is only available for the goal plan owner (self).

    4. Add a goal, with the following details:

      • Goal Name: Attend a training in performance management soft skills.
      • Category: Learning and Growth.
      • Metric/Target: Training attended.
      • Weight: 20%.
    5. Select Save to save the changes.

    6. Close the popup dialog that confirms the goal was created successfully.

  5. Delete one of Edward Employee's goals, which is no longer relevant for the current year.

    1. Locate the Increase Customer Satisfaction goal that shows as overdue.

    2. Select ... on the goal card to display the actions available, and choose Delete Goal.

    3. On the Confirmation dialog, select Delete.

    4. The goal no longer appears.

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