The Review Information section provides information about the period the form covers called the review period, the date the form is due, and the name of the user who created the form.
As with other sections, you can change the name of the section, and you can add an introduction with some formatting elements. Otherwise, the section is fixed, and cannot be configured. When the form is created, this section automatically populates with the review dates, which are configured under Form Template Settings, and the name of the form originator.
You can hard-code review dates using Form Template Settings, as shown in the figure, Configure the Review Information Section in Manage Templates. When set in this manner, the Default Start Date is populated as today’s date. The Default End Date and Default Due Date are set for 30 days from today.
Dates can be set in any way the customer requires. For example, some employers hold reviews at a particular time of the year, while others may stagger the review dates based on employee anniversary date.Editable Dates
By default, a user can edit the dates populated to the form. To set those fields as non-editable, select the appropriate checkboxes in the Form Template Settings, as follows:
Disallow users from changing the Start Date
Disallow users from changing the End Date
Disallow users from changing the Due Date
Selecting the checkboxes only prevents start, end, and due dates from being changed when the form is being created. Once the form is launched, the user can edit the dates from within the form. To prevent the dates being edited, select the checkboxes as described and then add a section permission type disabled to make it read-only and disallow editing.