The Objective Competency Summary section (also known as obj/comp or HOW versus WHAT summary) will calculate two overall scores independent from each other, an overall objective, and an overall competency rating.
Watch this video to learn more about the Objective Competency section.
You will learn more about Calibration using performance as the data source, including the overall objective and overall competency elements later in this course.Configuration and dependencies
Configuring the Obj/Comp Summary section consists of the following steps:
- Add the section from Manage Templates.
- Define the rating scales used in the Obj/Comp Summary section. These are configured in the Matrix Grid Rating Scales option. You can navigate using Action Search. The default is 3-point rating scale each, hence the Matrix Grid Report and the Matrix view in the Summary is known as 9-box (3*3).
- The layout of the Matrix view (9-box) is controlled from Matrix Grid Reports: How vs What using Action Search. You can configure the colors and labels for each quadrant.
Configuration of the Goal/Competency Sections to be Included in the Obj/Comp Summary
In the goal section(s), set the following options:
- Include in overall Goal rating calculation <in-objcomp-summ-overall-rating="true">. This setting will include the goal section in the calculation of the overall objective rating.
- Display in goal section <in-objcomp-summ-display="true">. Goal section will be displayed in the obj/comp summary.
Section weight for obj/comp summary <sect-weight-4-objcomp-summary>. Determines the section weight for the overall objective rating calculation. The total weight for all goal sections included in the obj/comp summary should add up to 100%.
In the competency section(s):
- Include in overall competency rating calculation <in-objcomp-summ-overall-rating="true">. This setting will include the competency section in the calculation of the overall competency rating.
- Display in competency section <in-objcomp-summ-display="true">. Competency section will be displayed in the obj/comp summary.
Section weight for obj/comp summary <sect-weight-4-objcomp-summary>. Determines the section weight for the overall competency rating calculation. The total weight for all competency sections included in the obj/comp summary should add up to 100%.
In competency sections, the section weight for obj/comp summary is not available from Manage Templates. You must set the weight in the XML within the<sect-weight-4-objcomp-summary>
element .Configuration of the Obj/Comp Summary Section from Manage Templates
The obj/comp summary section can be partially configured from Manage Templates, or completely in XML
Obj/Comp Summary Options Available in Manage Templates
Option | Description |
Show Section comment | Like in other sections, you can enable this option to display an overall section comment. |
Calculate overall competency rating | This setting will calculate the overall competency rating in the section. |
Allow overall competency rating to be edited. | This setting will allow to select a manual overall competency rating. This option is also required to adjust ratings in Calibration. |
Calculate overall objective rating | This setting will calculate the overall objective rating in the section. |
Allow overall objective rating to be edited | This setting will allow to select a manual overall objective rating. This option is also required to adjust ratings in Calibration. |
Show overall objective / competency rating | This option would display the OCOC rating, which would be an overall rating generated from the calculated overall objective and overall competency ratings. |
Display the overall objective / competency matrix | This setting will display the 9-box in the obj/comp summary section. |
Overall Rating Display Order | Determines the order of the overall rating types. However, as per design, only the default manual-calc option is possible and calc-manual is not supported. |
Section Display Order: | This option determines the order of the overall ratings in the obj/comp Summary
Additionally, permissions can be set in Manage Templates for the Obj/Comp Summary section. You will learn more about permissions in performance form templates later in this course.Configuration of the Obj/Comp Summary section from XML
Some additional configurations might be available in XML but not in Manage Templates. This image is an example of an obj/comp summary section XML, and, like other sections, there are a number of attributes (at the beginning of <objcomp-summary-sect> and elements (starting at <oc-sect-name>).
The following table summarizes all the attributes specific to the obj/comp summary section, the possible values, and the equivalent option in Manage Templates (if exists):
Obj/Comp Summary section XML attributes
Attribute | Values | Option in Manage Templates |
comp-manual-rating | true/false | Allow overall competency rating to be edited |
obj-manual-rating | true/false | Allow overall objective rating to be edited |
comp-cal-rating | true/false | Calculate overall competency rating |
obj-cal-rating | true/false | Calculate overall objective rating |
show-ococ-rating | true/false | Show overall objective / competency rating |
rating-mode | text | N/A |
show-9box | true/false | Display the overall objective / competency matrix |
overall-rating-display-order | manual-calc | Overall Rating Display Order |
section-display-order | obj-comp/comp-obj | Section Display Order |
ococ-rating-calc-mode | matrix-lookup/avg/sum | N/A |
The following table summarizes all the elements specific to the obj/comp summary section
Obj/Comp Summary section XML elements
Element | Description |
<oc-sect-name> | The name of the section |
<oc-sect-intro> | The introduction of the section |
<matrix-grid-id> | The value must be howvswhat_matrix_grid_report. |
<scale-adjusted-matrix> | If you enable OCOC rating, the default calculation method is using a matrix lookup table, so you need to define the table using the <scale-adjusted-matrix> element |
<x-axis> | The x-axis of the chart for either the overall goal rating or the overall competency rating |
<y-axis> | The y-axis of the chart for either the overall goal rating or the overall competency rating |
<comp-cal-summary-weight> | The weight of the calculated competency rating for calculating OCOC rating by the average or sum method |
<comp-summary-rating-label> | The label of Overall Form Rating for competencies can be configured. |
<comp-cal-summary-rating-label> | The label of Calculated Form Rating for competencies can be configured. |
<obj-cal-summary-weight> | The weight of the calculated goal rating for calculating OCOC rating by the average or sum method |
<obj-summary-rating-label> | The label of Overall Form Rating for goals can be configured. |
<obj-cal-summary-rating-label> | The label of Calculated Form Rating for goals can be configured. |