Managing the 360 Reviews Process


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Manage the 360 Reviews process as an administrator
  • Manage the 360 Reviews process as an end user

Form Launching

The ability to launch forms is controlled by permissions. Users who have the proper permissions can launch the forms in the following different ways:

  • Create New Form from the Performance section of the system.

  • Mass create forms through Launch 360 Reviews, available from Action Search.

Form Declining

You can also decline a 360 Reviews form to unblock the 360 Reviews process for a specific user. By using this method, however, no ratings or feedback already saved by the rater on leave are included in the Detailed 360 Report.

Form Completion

You can complete a 360 Reviews form to unblock the 360 Reviews process for a specific user.

For example, if one rater is on extended leave and the Detailed 360 Report is set to hidden until all raters have completed the form, this blocks the process from completing. Any ratings or feedback already saved by the employee on leave are included in the Detailed 360 Report.

Watch this video to learn how to complete a 360 Form.

Mass Complete or Decline Forms

Completing or declining forms one by one might be time consuming in some cases. It is possible to mass complete or decline forms by importing a .csv file of one column containing the Document IDs of the forms.


  1. On the Complete/Decline 360 document screen, select the option to go to Mass Decline/Complete 360 Documents and on the following step, use the Select action menu to complete or decline forms on mass.

  2. Choose and upload the file.


Restore a Completed Form

You can restore a completed form at any time. The form is restored to the evaluation step for a participant. You can restore a 360 Reviews form to the process owner or an internal or external participant. In either case, you must know the document number to restore it.

The process of Deleting or Restoring a Deleted 360 Reviews form is identical to a Performance Form.


When you delete a 360 Reviews form, all instances of the form are removed. Therefore, you must be careful in cases where the form is issued to multiple users for review.


  1. Navigate to Restore Completed 360 using Action Search.

  2. Select the Participant radio button.

  3. Enter the document ID.

  4. Select the internal radio button for the Participant Type.

  5. Enter the employee username.

  6. Select the Restore Document button.

  7. To confirm, select OK.

360 Reviews Form Routing

Administrators can modify a route map for a specific user. Forms can be moved back one step, forward one step, or directed to a specific step.

Watch this video to learn how to route a 360 Form

Process Owner Modification

The function of changing a 360 Reviews form process owner is usually handled automatically by the following:

  • "Document Transfer" settings in the 360 Reviews form template

  • Rules set in the Employee Change Engine

  • Employee Data File Imports

However, you can perform this function manually in the following types of situations:

  • If a quick fix is needed to correct data in a data import file.

  • If a process owner leaves the company, or changes roles, and the form is still out for evaluation.

  • If an employee changes managers.

This action can be performed in any stage, including the Completed stage.

Modify a 360 Reviews Form Process Owner


  1. Navigate to Change 360 Process Owner from Action Search.

  2. Enter the Document ID.

  3. Enter the Recipient (username) by typing it or using the + Find User... option to search for the employee based on parameters like First Name, Department or Location, among other options.

  4. Select Change Process Owner.

  5. To confirm, select OK.

Participant Modification

The feature to change a 360 Reviews form participant category is used for the following situations:

  • If a review participant changes categories (self, manager, peer, direct report, and so on).

  • If an employee is promoted, or a contractor becomes a permanent employee.

  • If an incorrect category selection was made for a specific rater.

This action can be performed in any stage, including the Completed stage.

Modify a 360 Reviews Form Participant Category


  1. Navigate to Change Participant Category from Action Search.

  2. Enter the Document ID and select Find Document.

  3. Select a reviewer and change the category.

  4. Select Change Categories to confirm.

Modify Stage: Nomination and Approval of Participants

Typically, the 360 Reviews process will start with the subject (Employee), nominating participants to evaluate 360 Reviews, rate competencies and/or goals and provide feedback.

Watch this video to learn how to nominate and approve participants in a 360 reviews process

Evaluation: Participants complete 360 Reviews

Once the 360 Reviews form has been approved, which means that the Modify stage is finalized, the process owner will distribute a copy of the 360 Reviews form to all the participants.

Each internal participant will be able to access the 360 Reviews in any of these ways:

  • A Complete 360 Evaluation engagement card will be visible in the Home Page, under the For You Today section, and the participant can select Go to Form to start the evaluation.
  • From the Home menu, navigate to Performance to locate the 360 Reviews form in the Inbox.
  • From the Action Search, type View 360 Reviews Forms to navigate to the Inbox.

External participants will receive an email notification, where they can accept or decline to participate. If accepting, they will be accessing the copy 360 Reviews form using the instructions provided, and they will be able to complete the evaluation.

In the Evaluation Stage, participants will be able to perform the following actions (depending on the form template configuration).

Watch this video to learn what actions can be performed during the Evaluation Stage by the raters/participants.  

The Process Owner will be also able, during the Evaluation Stage, to access a Summary View where they can take several actions.

Watch this video to learn what actions can be performed during the Evaluation Stage by the Process Owner.

Completion: Analyze results in the Detailed 360 Report

Once the evaluation is completed, or enough participants have submitted their evaluations, the Process Owner and other users with permissions can access the Detailed 360 Report to analyze the results.

Using the different comparison options, users can review:

  • Overall Ratings provided per competency/goal depending on the participant.
  • Compare ratings between categories of participants.
  • Review comments given around a competency/goal.
  • Identify differences between subject and manager's ratings in the Gap Analysis view.
  • Identify hidden strengths and blind spots comparing ratings given by the subject vs all other participants.
  • Identify which competencies were rated highest or lowest in the Rank view.

Configure 360 Reviews

Business Example

You are required to configure a 360 Reviews form template for your customer, test the 360 Reviews process to rate employees and review the performance data with a Detailed 360 Report.

Task 1: Set up a 360 Route Map and Form Template

Learn how to create a route map specific to 360 Reviews, add a new 360 Reviews form template and set up the initial configurations.


  1. Create a 360 Route Map, with the following steps: Employee Nominates Raters, Manager Approves Raters.

    1. From Action Search go to Manage Route Maps.

    2. Select Add New Route Map.

    3. Choose Build Your Own. Give a name to this route map [YOUR INITIALS] 360 Route Map.

    4. Select the I want to personalize the evaluation stage in a 360 review route map checkbox.

    5. Select the green plus in Modify Stage to add a new step.

    6. Call the step Employee Nominates Raters.

    7. Select the Single Role radio button.

    8. Select Employee from the Roles dropdown list.

    9. Select the green plus in Modify Stage to add a new step.

    10. Call the step Manager Approves Raters.

    11. Select the Single Role radio button.

  2. Set up your 360 Template and associate it with the route map and the rating scale.

    1. Navigate to Manage Templates using Action Search.

    2. Select the 360 Multi Rater tab.

    3. Locate the PE 360 Multi-rater form within the list of available templates and select it.

    4. Select General Settings.

    5. Change the name to [YOUR INITIALS] 360 Reviews form.

    6. Select your 360 Route Map.

    7. Select your rating scale.

    8. Select Save.

Task 2: Configure 360 Form Template in the Instance

Learn how to configure a 360 Reviews form template from Manage Templates.


  1. Make changes to your 360 Form template

    • In your 360 form template, for the general settings, select the option Allow managers to select external raters themselves.

    • For the Unable to Rate, type the label Unable to Rate, select Apply. In the Warning pop-up window indicating that the given value will be applied to the following ratable sections, select OK.

    • Expand the Edit Fields and Sections and select Rater list.
    • For the Manager category, make sure that the option Do not allow user to remove is selected.

    • Change the category name "Manager" into "Supervisor".

    • Select Save to save your changes.

  2. Make changes to your 360 process from Form Template Settings. You can navigate from Action Search.

    Activate the following options:

    • Automatic Process Owner Change To New Manager For In-Progress Documents When Old Manager is Process Owner (Only for 360)
    • Automatic Process Owner Change To New Manager For Completed Documents When Old Manager is Process Owner (Only for 360)
    • Enable Spell Check
    • Enable Legal Scan
    • Disable Spell Check On Route
    • Disable Legal Scan On Route
    • Enable Writing Assistant
    • Disable Ask For Edit Routing
    • Hide the Nonremovable checkbox on a form in the Modify stage
    • Allow form creator to select anyone as the subject

    • Show Participants in Status Summary (Applicable to Anonymous 360's only)
    • Allow Re-Selection of Removed Participants to Feedback Team after 360 Evaluation starts
    • Enable 360 Drilldown Permission for:

      Process Owner

    • Detailed 360 Report Permission Control:Enable 360 Detailed Report Permission for:

      • Process Owner
      • Manager
      • HR Rep.
    • Hide Detailed 360 Report link unless 2 participants complete their forms
    • Hide the 'decline to participate' button on the 360 form for:


    • Enable Add New Participants after 360 Evaluation starts for:

      • Process Owner
      • Manager
    • Enable Send Back for:

      Process Owner

    • Enable Send Reminder Email for:

      • Employee
      • Manager
      • Process Owner
    • Enable Remove Participants after 360 Evaluation starts for:

      • Process Owner
      • Manager
    • Enable Gap Analysis View from Detailed 360 Report

    • Enable Rank View from Detailed 360 Report

    • Show Display Options in Graphical Summary View. Select ALL

    • Display Section Ratings in Detailed 360 Report

    • Enable enhanced Detailed 360 Report anonymity

    • Enable form title editability in Form Info page

    • Enable 360 Add External Participants section

    • Disallow further invitations when a user has already been invited to rate 3 forms. (The option will be regarded as disabled if the maximum number is set zero).

      If the maximum invitations are exceeded: Display warning and allow

    • Inherit Permissions through Send Copy

      • 360 Detailed Report Permission
      • 360 Drilldown Permission
    • Enable form routing to previous step

    Choose Update Form Template to save all changes.

Task 3: Configure 360 Form Template in XML

Learn how to configure a 360 Reviews form template from XML.


  1. Make changes to your 360 from the XML

    • Change the maximum number of peers to 3

    • Change the minimum number of raters to 3 and maximum number of raters to 6

    • Configure a warning message if the number of raters does not meet the minimum or if the maximum number of raters is exceeded

    • Configure a warning message if the number of raters per category does not meet the minimum

    • Configure an error message if the number of raters per category exceeds the maximum allowed

    • In your competency section, set "hidden-strength-threshold" and "blind-spot-threshold" values to 0.25

    1. From Form Template Settings, click your 360 template and click Download Form Template.

    2. Save the XML file on your desktop in a folder where you can find it easily.

    3. Unzip the file.

    4. Save a copy of the sf-form.dtd in the same folder.

    5. Open the XML with your favorite xml editor

    6. Change the row 4 to just indicate the name of your DTD

    7. In the meta section, change the maximum number of peers to 3<meta-cat hidden-threshold="2" min-count="0" max-count="3"><![CDATA[Peer]]></meta-cat>.

    8. For the rater config, make sure that you have the following configuration:

      • Change the minimum number of raters to 3 and maximum number of raters to 6.

      • Configure a warning message if the number of raters does not meet the minimum or the maximum number of raters is exceeded.

      • Configure a warning message if the number of raters per category does not meet the minimum recommended.

      • Configure an error message if the number of raters per category exceeds the maximum allowed.

    9. In your competency section, set "hidden-strength-threshold" and "blind-spot-threshold" values to 0.25.

    10. Save your XML as a new version, validate it against the DTD.

    11. Go from Provisioning to Form Template Administration, select your 360 template.

    12. Select Update by upload, select your updated XML, select Open and then on Upload Form Template.

    13. Select OK.

Task 4: Test the 360 Reviews Process

Learn how to test your 360 Reviews process by creating a new 360 Reviews form to then make some changes, in order to test your configuration.


  1. Go to your instance to test your 360 process

    1. Proxy as Brooke Brown.

    2. From the main navigation menu, click Performance.

    3. Select Create New Form.

    4. Select your 360 form template.

    5. Select Self – Brooke Brown.

    6. Select Create and Open.

    If the form is not created, you may need to refresh your instance by downloading and uploading the data model, close and reopen the browser. 

    • Brooke Brown opens the 360 form

    • Verify the route map and the prepopulated rater list

    • Make a few changes to the rater list

    • Select Finalize Form to verify if you have warning and/or error message based on the selection of participants in the rater list

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