You can define the foundational pieces of the template in the General Settings section. Here, you can edit the name of the template and the description, as well as select the workflow (route map) and rating scale.
Modifications of the General Settings Section in Manage Templates
You can configure the following items through General Settings:
General Settings
Setting | Description |
Name | The name of the template. |
Description | This is an informational field that appears only during the form launch process. It does not display to the end user on in the XML form template |
Route Map: | Forms follow steps defined in the route map associated to the template |
Route Map Description | This area automatically populates with the description you assigned to the route map when it was created |
Rating Scale | Associate the rating scale that must be used in the template here |
Hide Numerical Rating Values | If checked, this option makes ratings appear only as their text label |
Unable to Rate | The text entered into this field is used if an employee cannot be rated for some reason. Text entered in this field shows as a part of the rating scale, but it is not included in the overall rating. It’s the equivalent of Not Applicable. |
Allow Managers to Stack Rank Employees on Competency Sections. Controls: Globally / Section by Section | Enables the stack ranker (also known as team rater) function, if the function has also been turned on in Provisioning. |
Advanced Settings | Selecting this link opens a window with more advanced general settings. You can also access this window through Form Template Settings. |
Show advanced options... | Additional options can be enabled:
Moreover, you will be able to set up permissions affecting the whole performance form template. |
Modification of the General Settings Section in XML
The general settings in the XML are located in the <fm-meta> section of the code. In this section, you may:
fm-meta section
Element | Description |
<scale-id> | Attach a default rating scale to be used throughout the performance form |
<enable-previous-step- button> | Enables the button to send a form to the previous step. |
<enable-delete-button> | Enables the button to delete a form. |
<my-team-rater> | Enables stack ranker. |
The following is an example of a typical performance form meta section: