Configuring Notifications and General Settings


After completing this lesson, you will be able to configure notifications and general settings for asset management

Maintenance Notification

The Maintenance Notification (Work Request) is used to notify the maintenance department about an abnormal or exceptional situation in technical objects in plant area. It records maintenance tasks completely and makes them available for analysis in the long term. You can use them for preliminary planning and execution of tasks


You can create maintenance notifications for the following reference objects:

  • Functional location
  • Equipment
  • Material and serial number

If functional locations or equipment are further sub-divided into assemblies and material with the help of a maintenance BOM, these assemblies can also serve as reference objects for the notification. If you use object hierarchies, the system copies all data from the higher-level technical object to the respective reference object for the notification.

However, you can also create maintenance notifications without entering an object number. This is the case, for example, when a problem notification refers to an object that is not managed under a number in the system, or when a maintenance request refers to an object that is to be set up within the framework of an investment.

The data of the maintenance notification is transferred to the history, and is of great importance when performing evaluations and future planning.


A maintenance notification consists of a notification header and one or more items.

Maintenance header data is information that is used to identify and manage the notification. It is valid for the whole maintenance notification.

Depending on the notification type, the notification items contain data describing the problem or malfunction that occurred, or the activity that was performed in greater detail.

Priority and Priority Type Definitions

Define priority type attributes to determine the start and finish dates of maintenance orders and notifications.

Define priority type attributes to determine the start and finish dates of maintenance orders and notifications in Plant Maintenance.

You can use this to define the following priority type attributes in this configuration step:

  • Relative Start Date for Order/Notification

  • Relative End Date for Order/Notification

  • Relative Start Date Unit

  • Relative End Date Unit


In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition Edition customizing settings for SAP Customer Service (CS) are not supported.


It is optional to configure this.

Define Prioritization Profiles

Overview of an event prioritization profile.

A prioritization matrix can be used to assess the priority and final due date. Customers can define Prioritization Profiles that can be used per Maintenance Plan – Notification Type combination. (As of today only Y1 notification type is supported). Maintenance request creator should be enabled to include consequences and likelihood of not fixing an asset malfunction and let the system propose priority


As a prerequisite, one or more plants should be assigned to a profile.

Using the Define Prioritization Profiles configuration activity, you can maintain prioritization profiles.

You can maintain prioritization profile using the following steps:

  1. Define a list of prioritization profiles. A profile can be compared to a container that has consequence category groups, notification types, and plants. When you create a maintenance request of type M1 for a technical object that is assigned to plant 1010, and assess priority, the system tries to locate the profile that matches this combination.

    If you enter M1 as notification type, 1010 as maintenance plant, and CHEMICAL_PROF as profile, and assess priority, the system identifies CHEMICAL_PROF as the selected profile and refers to the Consequence to Priority mapping table. It fetches the priority for the selected combination of consequences and likelihood.

  2. Assign prioritization profile to a notification type and a plant. You can assign a profile to many plants but a plant cannot have more than one profile assigned to it. Ensure that you maintain only one profile for each notification type and plant.
    Define prioritization profiles.
  3. Assign consequence category group to a prioritization profile. You can assign a profile to only one group. But, you can assign the same group to one or more profiles.
  4. Assign UI (user interface) position to a consequence category. Within a group, you can choose to arrange the consequence categories in a particular order. When you assess priority, you will see the consequence categories in this order
  5. Assign a priority to consequences. You can assign an appropriate priority to a combination of consequence categories, consequences, and likelihood. It is important that priorities are carefully assigned to the combinations as the priorities directly influence other factors of a maintenance request such as the final due date, required start date, and required end date.
    Define consequence categories.


It is Optional to configure this item.

Consequences and Likelihoods

Using this configuration you can define consequence categories, consequences, and likelihoods.

Event prioritization enables you to assess priorities based on consequence categories, consequences, and likelihoods. When you select consequences and likelihoods while creating a maintenance request, the system calculates and suggests the applicable priority for the maintenance request. This will provide contextual information to the supervisor for screening the work request.

For example, if oil is dripping from a pump in a plant, you can create a maintenance request for the technical object. Using prioritization, you can specify that it is a high priority equipment which is responsible for core drilling tasks and, if it is not repaired within two weeks, it could lead to total asset damage. Based on these details, the system suggests Very High as the priority. This activity is maintained as a configuration step.

In this configuration step, you can define consequence categories, consequences, and likelihoods using the following steps:

  1. Maintain consequence categories.
    Define consequence categories.
  2. Within each consequence category, you can define multiple consequences.
  3. Maintain likelihood of occurrence of events.
    Define consequence likelihood.
  4. Create groups and add consequence categories into the groups. This enables you to use a group in multiple profiles without having to select the same consequence categories individually in various profiles.
    Define consequence category groups.


Calculated Priority = Function (Consequence Categories, Consequences, Likelihoods, Mapped Priority).

You can choose multiple consequence categories to arrive at a calculated priority. So, it is possible that you will receive more than one priority as a result. For example:

  • People Impact -> High
  • Asset Impact -> Very High
  • Reputation Damage -> Medium
  • Environment Impact -> Low

The system will calculate and return the highest of these priorities as the calculated priority. In this case, it is Asset Impact.

If more than one consequence leads to the same priority, the system will suggest those two consequences as leading consequences. For example:

  • People Impact -> Very High
  • Asset Impact -> Very High
  • Reputation Damage -> Medium
  • Environment Impact -> Low

The leading consequences are People Impact and Asset Impact.


It is Optional to configure this

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