Getting Started as Application Consultant


After completing this lesson, you will be able to work with different SAP S/4HANA user interfaces

SAP S/4HANA User Interfaces

Play the video to meet Jim, an application consultant for SAP S/4HANA Sales and Liv, the business process owner. They will conduct you through this course starting with a short recap of the different SAP S/4HANA user interfaces.

User Interface for Administration Consultants

As an application consultant in a project, your main task is most likely customizing an SAP system. Customizing as an SAP term means: Adapting the standard functions and settings of the SAP system to your company´s business needs. You adjust the various switches and entries in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG). It is parametrization rather than programming. The IMG is the configuration environment of SAP. In the SAP system, it is simply referred to as IMG or Customizing.

The figure below shows how you can access the IMG in SAP GUI.

The screen shot on the left shows the SAP Menu in SAP GUI and how to access the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG). The screen shot on the right displays the Implementation Guide with sub-folders.

As you can see, the IMG structure contains the documentation and activities to customize the SAP software. You use the SAP Customizing settings to adapt the company-independent and industry-specific functions to the specific business requirements of your company.

Customizing supports you in the following situations:

  • Implementing the SAP System
  • Enhancing the SAP System
  • Release and system upgrades

Customizing controls the behavior of SAP applications. You only work with many SAP applications when you have made the necessary settings in Customizing such as the setting of the currencies and sales groups that are used in your company.

Later in this course, you will learn how to work in SAP Customizing.

How to Use SAP Fiori Launchpad and SAP GUI as Administrator

The following system simulation gives you an impression how to use the different user interfaces as administrator in SAP S/4HANA. There is a simulation of the SAP Fiori Launchpad and a simulation of the SAP GUI user interface included.

Start the simulation by selecting the respective unit.

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