Knowledge quiz

It’s time to put what you’ve learned to the test, get 5 questions right to pass this unit.

The router provides a method to navigate to a specific route. What is the name of this method?
Choose the correct answer.
You have created aBackbutton on a view and call thegetPreviousHashmethod of thesap.ui.core.routing.Historyinstance in the implementation of the attached event handler. What value does this method return if there has been no navigation in the application yet?
Choose the correct answer.
In the application descriptormanifest.jsonthe routing configuration can be found in theroutingproperty of thesap.ui5namespace. What are the sections that make up this routing configuration?
There are three correct answers.
The component controllerComponent.jshas a method calledinitin which initializations necessary for the component are implemented. Which of the following method calls must be added to thisinitmethod so that the current URL hash is evaluated and the corresponding views are automatically displayed?
Choose the correct answer.
You have specified"detail/{customerId}"in the routing configuration as the value for thepatternproperty of a route. Which of the following URL hashes match this pattern of the route and therefore result in thepatternMatchedevent being fired?
There are four correct answers.
In the routing configuration, one or more targets can be specified to be displayed if no route of the router matches after changing the hash. What is the name of the property used to specify the corresponding targets?
Choose the correct answer.

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