Configuring the Receiver IDoc_AAE Adapter


After completing this lesson, you will be able to configure the receiver IDoc_AAE adapter

IDoc_AAE Receiver Adapter Configuration

The figure, Configuration Receiver IDoc AAE, illustrates the configuration of the receiver IDoc AAE adapter.

Configuring the IDOC_AAE Adapter for receiving IDocs requires some prerequisites:

  • You have configured the resource adapter and JCA connection factory in SAP NetWeaver Administrator.

  • You have configured the sender and receiver systems to process IDocs.

  • You must ensure that the appropriate software component version of SAP BASIS exists in the ESR and it contains the appropriate adapter metadata of the IDoc adapter (AAE).

Cloning the inbound Resource Adapter (inboundRA)

To clone the default inboundRA, perform the following steps:

  1. In NetWeaver Administrator Tool navigate to ConfigurationInfrastructureDestinations and create a RFC destination XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION_<SID>, which connects the AEX with the IDoc Receiver system.
  2. In NetWeaver Administrator Tool navigate to ConfigurationInfrastructureApplication Resources.
  3. Create a New Resource Adapter using the template SAPJRATemplate and enter a name for the Application ClonedRA. Use, for instance, the naming convention inboundRA_<SID>_<CLIENT>.
  4. Maintain the JNDI name. Use the same name as for the Resource Adapter, for example, inboundRA_<SID>_<CLIENT>.
  5. As DestinationName, enter the RFC destination XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION_<SID>
  6. Under Properties, maintain at least the following values:
    Field NameValue
    MaxReaderThreadCount5 - 10
    GatewayServerthe gateway server name
    GatewayServicethe gateway service
    localtrue / false


More Details are discussed in the blog: Connect multiple SAP ECC clients from Java IDOC Sender Adapter by Resource Adapter Cloning. see Blogs SAP: connect-multiple-sap-ecc-clients-from-java-idoc-sender-adapter-by-resource-adapter-cloning/

Configure a Scenario Using the Receiver IDoc_AAE Adapter

Configure a Scenario Using the Receiver IDoc_AAE Adapter - Part 1

Configure a Scenario Using the Receiver IDoc_AAE Adapter - Part 2

Configure a Scenario Using the Receiver IDoc_AAE Adapter - Part 3

Configure a Scenario Using the Receiver IDoc_AAE Adapter - Part 4

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