Describing Common Uses of Metadata in XML


After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe common uses of Metadata in XML

Common Uses of Metadata in XML

Metadata in XML

The metadata functionality serves several important functions, especially in contexts where data must be understood, processed, or shared by different systems and users. Here are the common uses of metadata in XML.

Descriptive Information

Purpose: To provide a high-level description of the XML document.

  1. Author: Identifies the creator of the document.
  2. Title: Provides a brief title or name for the document.
  3. Description: Offers a summary of the document's content and purpose.
  4. Keywords: Lists keywords relevant to the document, aiding in search and categorization.
Screenshot of an example xml showing descriptive information and metadata on author, title, description, and keywords.

Structural Information

Purpose: To describe the structure and format of the XML document.

  1. Schema Location: Points to the schema file (XSD) that defines the structure of the document.
  2. Namespaces: Declares the XML namespaces used in the document, ensuring element and attribute names are unique and avoiding conflicts.
Screenshot of example xml showing structural information and metadata on schema location and namespaces.

Administrative Information

Purpose: To manage and control the usage and versioning of the document.

  1. Version: Specifies the version of the document.
  2. Creation Date: Indicates when the document was created.
  3. Modification Date: Records the last time the document was modified.
  4. Access Rights: Defines who can access or modify the document.
Screenshot of example xml showing administrative information and metadata on version, creation date, modification date, and access rights.

Technical Information

Purpose: To provide technical details that assist in the processing of the document.

  1. File Size: Indicates the size of the document.
  2. Format: Specifies the format or encoding used in the document.
  3. Checksum: Provides a checksum value for verifying document integrity.
Screenshot of example xml showing technical information and metadata on file size, format, and checksum.

Provenance Information

Purpose: To track the origin and history of the document.

  1. Source: Indicates the source from which the document originated.
  2. History: Logs changes and updates made to the document over time.
Screenshot of example xml showing provenance information and metadata on source and history.

Rights Management

Purpose: To manage intellectual property rights and usage terms.

  1. License: Specifies the licensing terms under which the document can be used.
  2. Copyright: States the copyright holder and related information.
  3. Usage Restrictions: Lists any restrictions on the use or distribution of the document.
Screenshot of example xml showing rights management information and metadata on license, copyright, and usage restrictions.

Enhancing Metadata in OData Services

To address the challenges we've encountered, one proposed solution is to extend the `$metadata`endpoint to function as an OData Service itself.

To use the $metadata functionality, use the following GET URL, where you need to insert your individual parameters as follows:

Code Snippet

Screenshot of metadata function.Screenshot of further metadata function.


Metadata in XML is essential for providing context, structure, and control over XML documents. It enhances the document's usability by offering descriptive, structural, administrative, technical, provenance, and rights management information. By embedding metadata within XML, users and systems can better understand, manage, and use the data effectively.

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