To save a report, choose Save from the pivot table view. The Save Report page will appear. Enter a unique name for the report. In the example below, we set the Current Project field to Personal Workspace. The page displays your personal workspace folder, including any subfolders you have created. To save a report within a subfolder, select the applicable radio button. If you do not select a subfolder, the report will be saved at the top level of the Personal Workspace folder.
As a safety measure, if you attempt to exit a report or log out of the system without saving, the system will prompt you to save the report first. Choose Discard if you do not want to save the report.When you save a report, remember that what you are actually adding is a dynamic, not a static, report. The report results may change if you rerun the report.
For example, if the report is set to display your spend for the most recent quarter as a pie chart, the pie chart displayed on your dashboard this quarter will probably be different than the pie chart displayed on your dashboard next quarter.
You are really saving the set of values that define the report results: the source data, the pivot layout, and the values on the Refine Data page. You are not saving a static copy of the report results.
If you want to save a static copy of the report results, you can run it in the background, which offers an option to save old report results, or export it to Microsoft Excel.
When you save a report, you can update the report title and choose the location to save. Choose Other to search for a project.