You can use standard calculation functions to make quick calculations on data.
If standard calculations are not sufficient for your needs, you can use the formula language to build custom calculations.
The following standard calculations are available:
Calculation | Description |
Sum | Calculates the sum of the selected data. |
Count | Counts all rows for a measure object or counts distinct rows for a dimension or detail object. |
Average | Calculates the average for the data. |
Min | Displays the minimum value of the selected data. |
Max | Displays the maximum value of the selected data. |
Percentage | Displays the selected data as a percentage of the total. The results of the percentage are displayed in an additional column or row of the table. Percentages are calculated for the selected measure, compared to the total results for that measure on the table or break. To calculate the percentage of one measure compared to another measure, you need to build a custom calculation. |
When you apply standard calculations to table columns, the calculation results appear in footers. One footer is added for each calculation.