The In operator specifies dimensions explicitly in a context.
The example in the figure, In Context Operator to Specify Dimensions, shows a report with Year and Sales revenue. Your data provider also contains the Quarter object, but you do not include this dimension in the block. Instead, you include an additional column to show the maximum revenue by quarter in each year.
Example: Using In to specify the dimensions in a context
You can see where the values in the Max Quarterly Revenue column come from by examining this block with a block that includes the Quarter dimension.
In Context Operator with Additional Dimension
The Max Quarterly Revenue column shows the highest quarterly revenue in each year. For example, Q4 has the highest revenue in 2018, so the Max Quarterly Revenue shows the Q4 revenue on the row showing 2018.
Using the In operator, the formula for Max Quarterly Revenue is as follows:
=Max([Sales revenue] In ([Year] ; [Quarter])) In ([Year])
This formula calculates the maximum sales revenue for each (Year, Quarter) combination, then outputs this figure by year.
The default output context of the block is Year, so you do not need to specify the output context explicitly in this formula.The Where Operator
The Where operator restricts the data used to calculate a measure.
Other examples of using Where:
The variable High Revenue has the formula=[Revenue] Where ([Revenue] > 5000000). When placed in a block, High Revenue displays either the revenue when its value is greater than 500000, or nothing. When placed in a footer at the bottom of the High Revenue column, the formula =Average([High Revenue]) returns the average of all the revenues greater than 500000.
The Where operator is not in the list of context operators that define the dimensions related to a calculation. However, as you can combine the In and Where operators in a formula, the Where operator is documented in this lesson as well.=Max([Sales revenue In ([Country] ; [Year]) Where ([Country] = "France"))
The In operator specifies the dimensions that feed into the calculation, and the Where operator restricts the data to calculate the measure.
=[Sales revenue] Where ([State] = "California" And [Year] = "2019")