Synchronizing Data


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Synchronize data using merge
  • Merge file-based data to universe data

Results of No Synchronization

Objects that Retrieve Similar Data

The dimension objects in the list come from different universes, so Web Intelligence cannot automatically merge the dimensions. If you try to combine data from the two objects in a single block, Web Intelligence will not automatically be able to interpret the relationship between them.

Manual Merges

See the following video to learn more about synchronizing data from multiple sources.

How To Manually Merge Data from Different Universes

In this demonstration, you show learners how to merge dimensions manually from queries on the eFashion.unx and the eStaff.unx universes.

Continue working with the Multi Block 4 document.


  1. In the Show document objects area, select the Store object.

    The Store object, an object that you used in the Employee query, is highlighted.


    All the other dimension objects listed in the Show document objects panel are now displayed in italics. These objects are highlighted in italics because they are all the same type of object as the Store object: that is, they are all dimension objects.

    Web Intelligence indicates that you could choose to merge the selected object with any of the other dimension objects in the queries in this document. In this case, you want to merge the Store object with the Store name objects used in the queries you built using the eFashion universe. The names of these objects are different, but they retrieve the same type of data.

  2. Press and hold the Ctrl key, and choose Store Name.

  3. Choose the ellipsis icon next to Store Name, and choose Merge.

    In the Show document objects area, the merged Store name dimension includes the Store object from the eStaff.unx universe, and the number of employees aggregates correctly. This is known as synchronizing data using merged dimensions.

    When you project data into a block using this merged Store name dimension, it retrieves data from the Employee query also, using the eStaff.unx universe and data source. When you merge dimensions, Web Intelligence creates a new dimension that retrieves all the values from all the original dimensions that make up the merged dimension.


    You may have to refresh the document after merging dimensions.
  4. Save the document as Multi Block 5.

    You use this document in the next demonstration.

Rules for Synchronization

There are a number of rules to remember when merging objects from multiple queries.

  • You can only merge on dimension or attribute objects.
  • The objects do not have to have the same name.
  • The objects must have a common data format.
  • Although the actual values do not have to be the same, all data held in a data provider is case-sensitive, and therefore any common values must be in the same case.
  • Any number of queries can be merged by common objects.
  • Any number of objects can be merged between two queries.
  • A measure object can only be synchronized to the lowest level of detail that is common between the two different data sources.

Examples of dimension and attribute objects are Store name and Store.

If one object is character-based and the other object is numeric, you cannot link the objects as they do not share a common data format.

Even though the objects FY13 and the 2013 both refer to a year, they are in a different format and therefore have two separate values. Extra spaces in some values can also mean that the objects cannot be merged.

Advantages of Merging File-Based Data

Advantages of Merging Personal Data

There are many possible advantages of merging personal data to universe data, including the ability to do the following:

  • Supplement universe data with additional, pertinent information from a personal data source.
  • Make some data more meaningful by presenting it in a single table or report.
  • Merge common objects from queries on different data sources into a single object.

Synchronize the data from the universe and the local data provider, just like when you combine data from separate universes. Use Merge to select common objects from queries on different data sources and merge them into a single object.

Remember that the objects must be the same data type and retrieve semantically related data in order for them to qualify as merged.

Synchronize Data and Run a Single Query in a Report with Multiple Queries

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