Configuring Supplier Master Data


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create a Supplier Master Data object in SAP Fieldglass.

Master Data

When Buyer tenants are configured to use Supplier Qualifications, those organizations can require that some of these Master Data elements be captured by Suppliers during their qualification process. Master data categories are used to group the supplier master data fields on the supplier qualification form.

Master data displays on the first page of each Supplier Qualification form the supplier completes. A separate master data item is created for each piece of information. Examples of information that might be considered master data are: legal entity name, address, country, and insurance information.

screenshot of Master Data fields on a Supplier Qualification Form

Navigating the Master Data Admin Object

screenshot of Configuration section of the Admin Menu, the Master Data link is highlighted
1To view a list of master data entries associated to WorkingNet’s tenant, select Master Data from the Configuration section of the admin menu.

Master Data List Page

screenshot of Master Data List View with the Entered By column, the Verification Required column ,and the Supplier All Screening link in the Code column highlighted

In order to include master data in a supplier qualification form, a Master Data Category must first be created.

2Entered By indicates if the master data is configured to be entered by the buyer, supplier, or both.
3Verification Required indicates if the master data fields will be verified by an approver.
4To view the details of that master data list, select the appropriate link in the Code column.

Master Data Details Page

screenshot of Supplier All Screening Master Data List Details page, highlighting the Verification Role, Data Type, and Custom Script rows in the Details section, as well as the Predefined Pick List section

Master data is added to categories and the categories are then associated to a qualification template. Master data categories can have sub-categories that allow you to further group the required data fields on the qualification form.

5If the master data requires verification, the role of the verifier will be indicated in the Verification Role field.
6Data Type is the type of master data that is required. Types include Text, Number, Date, Pick List, or Certification. The type that is selected during the creation of the master data field will dictate what further information is required for the field.
7If a Custom Script is used for the master data, the script would be indicated here.
8If a pick list is selected as the data type, the selected pick list will be indicated in the Predefined Pick List column. If the data type is not a pick list, this section will not appear at all.

Create Master Data

WorkingNet requires a Company Code value to be tracked across their Supplier population.

To capture the Company Code for each supplier, you, as the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, will create a new Master Data object called Company Code to be used when they qualify new suppliers.

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