Configuring the Details


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Differentiate between the various Defined-by SOWs and define SOW Bid association on the SOW Template.
  • Associate the SOW Type to the SOW Template.

SOW Template Details

The Details section of the SOW template does not have a meaningful correlation to the details section of the SOW itself. When creating an SOW, the details page is where the primary information of the project is entered, such as start and end dates and overall project budget.

In contrast, the details section of the SOW Template is where the details of the template are entered; the information that defines elements of the SOW creation workflow. This includes such information as whether the template can be used to create an SOW Bid and what currencies will be used.

Screenshot of the Details section of an SOW Template.

The same SOW templates, SOW types, and classifications are used for both SOW Bids and traditional SOWs.

Let’s first set the foundation of the SOW workflow by creating the template and completing the Details section.

Configure the SOW Template Details

Patricia selected the ‘Information Technology – T&M’ template to create the SOW for WorkingNet’s data center expansion project. Of course, before that template could be selected for that project, the template needed to be built!

As the SAP Fieldglass admin for WorkingNet, creating that template is your responsibility. Your task is to create the template so that hiring managers can create SOWs that reflect time & materials (T&M) work for information technology projects.

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