Creating a Wizard


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create a Wizard in SAP Fieldglass.


A Wizard is a tool that can be used as a guide for users who are not sure what type of procurement request is needed. As with Decision Forms, Wizards present users with a series of questions that help recommend a procurement option.

Watch the video to see how Mavis would use a Wizard to determine the procurement option that’s right for her.

Navigating the Wizard Admin Object

screenshot of the Workflow section of the Admin Menu, the Wizard link is highlighted
1To view the list of wizards available in the tenant, select Wizard from the Workflow section of the admin menu.

Wizard List page

Wizards can be embedded within procurement solutions to help with completion or can stand alone as an item in the Create Menu. However, only one Wizard is allowed in the Create Menu.

screenshot of Wizard List page, the Starting Point column and the Request a Resource link in the Name column are highlighted
2The Starting Point is where you can expect to begin the Wizard.
3To view the details of a wizard, select an appropriate link the Name column.

Wizard Details page

The details page displays the wizard’s configuration, indicating the logic of how the answers to the listed questions will follow a path to an appropriate solution.

Unlike Decision Forms, the answers for each question can be configured to include branching instructions. This allows an answer to point to a follow-up question or to an appropriate action and ultimately guide the user to a correct final activity.

For example, depending on where a question appears in the interview workflow, answering "Yes" might stop the Wizard and recommend a solution, while answering "No" could present a follow-up question.

screenshot of Request a Resource Wizard Details page with the Question ‘Who will manage the external workers,’ the Answers column, and the Answer Action column highlighted
4Questions for Wizards are created independently of the Wizard, using the Question admin object in the Configuration admin menu, and imported during the process of creating the Wizard.
5The Answers column shows the questions in their numbered order. The numbered order, however, may not be followed in a linear path depending upon how the questions are answered. The applicable answers are listed immediately below each question, and the reaction they trigger is indicated in the column to the right
6Every response has a reaction. The Answer Action column indicates the action taken as a result of the response indicated in the column to the left.

Create a Wizard

Hiring managers at WorkingNet sometimes don’t know which supplier to select when creating Statements of Work for a project. This could be because they have not already identified an appropriate supplier to work with.

WorkingNet asks you, the SAP Fieldglass administrator, to create a simple Wizard to help hiring managers determine whether to start with an SOW or an SOW Bid.

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