Defining a Classification


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create a Classification in SAP Fieldglass.


In order to better manage suppliers and SOW types, you can organize and group them into appropriate types, called Classifications.

Classifications are used to organize SOW templates and the Suppliers that provide services. They allow organizations to align suppliers to specific SOW templates, so that when an SOW is created for, say, an IT project, SAP Fieldglass only lists suppliers who provide IT services.

split screenshot of the Classification admin object list page showing how the listed classifications correlate to the Classification fields on a Job Posting

Choosing a classification is the first step in creating a statement of work. This selection determines the template that will be used as the basis of the SOW, as well as the suppliers that are available. Only the suppliers and SOW templates that are associated to the selected classification are available when creating the statement of work.

You can create classifications and assign them to suppliers and SOW types. This allows you to limit the suppliers available for selection on statements of work based on classification.

For example, if a Supplier specializes in IT, an IT classification can be created for that Supplier. Additional Classifications can be added or modified as they are identified.

Navigating the Classification Admin Object

screenshot of Configuration section of the Admin Menu, the Classification link is highlighted
1To view a list of classifications associated to the tenant, select Classification from the Configuration section of the admin menu.

Classification List Page

screenshot of Classification List page highlighting the SOW Type column and the IT link in the Code column

SOW Templates must be assigned to at least one classification. The classification list view will show all the "groups" created within WorkingNet.

2SOW Type indicates the umbrella template the SOW will be following. Each SOW Template follows a specific SOW Type, which defaults field values and/or visibility.
3To review the details of a classification, select the link of the classification in the Code column.

Classification Details Page

screenshot of IT Classification Details Page

A classification requires few characteristics, namely the Name and Code of the classification. Since it is a data object that is used primarily to establish associations, the associations tree displays the important information: the associations of Suppliers and SOW Templates.

Create a Classification

WorkingNet is looking to create a number of SOWs specifically for their Engineering group. Therefore, they need to create a Classification specific to that group that can be associated to Suppliers and SOW Templates accordingly.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you will need to create a specific Classification for that purpose.

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