In order to better manage suppliers and SOW types, you can organize and group them into appropriate types, called Classifications.
Classifications are used to organize SOW templates and the Suppliers that provide services. They allow organizations to align suppliers to specific SOW templates, so that when an SOW is created for, say, an IT project, SAP Fieldglass only lists suppliers who provide IT services.
Choosing a classification is the first step in creating a statement of work. This selection determines the template that will be used as the basis of the SOW, as well as the suppliers that are available. Only the suppliers and SOW templates that are associated to the selected classification are available when creating the statement of work.
You can create classifications and assign them to suppliers and SOW types. This allows you to limit the suppliers available for selection on statements of work based on classification.
For example, if a Supplier specializes in IT, an IT classification can be created for that Supplier. Additional Classifications can be added or modified as they are identified.