Defining a Job Code


After completing this lesson, you will be able to navigate a Job Code admin object and explain what it represents in SAP Fieldglass.

Job Code

Job Codes are used to define unique job functions or roles within an organization. They can be assigned to worker records to group people with similar skills.

When creating Job Postings, job codes can be used to search for workers according to the skills needed to fulfill an assignment. Only workers who share the same job code defined on the job posting would be listed. Results that display when using a job code search can include contingent workers, SOW workers, and profile workers, along with users and workforce records that also share the job code.

split screenshot of Job Code admin object list page and how the listed codes appear in the Job Code field of a Job Posting

Navigating the Job Code Admin Object

screenshot of Configuration section of the Admin Menu, the Job Code link is highlighted
1To view a list of job codes associated to WorkingNet’s tenant, select Job Code from the Configuration section of the admin menu.

Job Code List Page

screenshot of Job Code List page with the Status column and the Application Programmer link that appears in the Code column highlighted

Job codes are often created to match the business functions in an organization, as illustrated in this example, in which WorkingNet has a job code for every professional role it requires.

2The status of a job code is indicated in this column. Job codes cannot be deleted, only inactivated, so its status is either Active or Inactive.
3To view the details of a job code, select the appropriate link in the Code column.

Job Code Details Page

screenshot of Application Programmer Job Code Details page

A job code requires few characteristics, namely the Code and Name of the job code and an optional description. Since it is a data object that is used primarily to establish associations, the applicable job posting templates, activity checklists, and/or sow worker roles it is associated to are displayed.

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