Exploring SOW Bid functionality


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Explain the SOW Bid functionality in SAP Fieldglass.
  • Create a Question Library in SAP FIeldglass.
  • Use the Wizard functionality to configure an SOW Bid Response Evaluation.

SOW Bids

Users can distribute Statements of Work to multiple suppliers using the SOW Bid functionality. SOW Bid functionality is designed for buyers who have a project requiring a statement of work but do not have a particular supplier selected. An SOW Bid can be created and sent to multiple suppliers for review and feedback, and the buyer can then select an appropriate supplier for the project.

SOW Bids often include questions to help assess the suitability of suppliers. Suppliers would be required to answer the questions when responding to the bid, and buyers would use answers to determine whether the supplier is capable of completing the project.

Question Library

Even though Questions can be added manually to SOW Bids during creation, a Question Library can also be configured. In the same way that characteristics can be collected into libraries, a Question Library can be created to maintain a collection of commonly used questions.

Screenshot of the Question Library List and the details of the 'References' Question Library that has four questions for SOW Bids.

Configure a Question Library

WorkingNet’s data center expansion project requires them to consider some vendors they’ve never used before. To determine the suitability of new vendors, they would like some questions created for use on SOW Bids.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, it’s your job to create those questions.

Evaluating SOW Bid Responses

Many buyers have certain criteria they use to evaluate the supplier responses submitted on an SOW Bid. These criteria are commonly weighted, giving certain responses more weight than others, and they typically need to be evaluated by more than one person.

In cases where there needs to be a more intensive, quantifiable, and objective selection process when reviewing SOW Bid responses from suppliers, an optional evaluation wizard can be configured. Administrative users with appropriate permissions can configure evaluation Wizards with specific Questions for the evaluators to answer as they are reviewing and evaluating the suppliers SOW Bid responses.

Once configured, the evaluation Wizard can be completed by multiple users when reviewing SOW Bid responses, and when applicable, an average score will be displayed on the SOW bid response records.

Configure Evaluations for SOW Bid Responses

WorkingNet wants to ensure that their supplier selection process for new projects is more objective and unbiased. They decide to create a new Evaluation Wizard for their Hiring Managers to use when they begin reviewing supplier responses to SOW Bids. Here’s how you would create the evaluation as an Administrator.

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