Managing an Invoice Billing Schedule


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create an Invoice Billing Schedule in SAP Fieldglass.

Invoice Billing Schedule

An Invoice Billing Schedule is a schedule that an organization can establish for suppliers to submit invoices on a systematic basis.

For example, WorkingNet wants suppliers to submit invoices every Monday. They would set up an Invoice Billing Schedule to do that. However, if auto invoicing is enabled for a worker, Invoice Billing Schedules are unnecessary because invoices are created automatically when the worker's time sheet is approved.

Navigating the Invoice Billing Schedule Admin Object

screenshot of the Financial Data section of the Admin Menu, the Invoice Billing Schedule link is highlighted
1To view a list of invoice billing schedules associated to the tenant, select Invoice Billing Schedule from the Financial Data section of the admin menu.

Invoice Billing Schedule List page

The Invoice Billing Schedule list page displays limited information, such as:

screenshot of Invoice Billing Schedule List page, with the Scope column, the Schedule Type column, and the Invoice Billing Schedule - GBP link in the Name column highlighted

Scope determines the suppliers that can submit invoices against this billing schedule. Scope cannot be changed after the schedule is saved.

  • If users select Supplier, Business Unit, or Site, they must manually associate the related items to the schedule.
  • If Company Wide is selected, the invoice billing schedule is available to all suppliers.
  • If Labor Type is selected, the invoice billing schedule will be available to the suppliers having workers who are related to job postings with the labor types associated to the billing schedule.

Schedule Type is the frequency in which Suppliers can create invoices.

  • On Demand = Suppliers can select the end date for invoices.
  • Weekly = Suppliers should prepare invoices once a week. If this choice is selected, select the day on which invoices should be created.
  • Specific Dates = Suppliers should prepare invoices on specific dates. If this option is selected, select the date(s) on which invoices should be prepared.
4To view the details of an invoice billing schedule, select an appropriate link in the Name column.

Invoice Billing Schedule Details page

An Invoice Billing Schedule record requires few characteristics, as listed here.

screenshot of Invoice Billing Schedule - GBP Details page, highlighting the Item Selection detail and the Include All Company Wide detail
5Item Selection indicates whether the invoice billing schedule should apply to Time Sheets, Expense Sheets, or Both.
6The Include All Company Wide field is displayed if Company Wide is selected in the Scope field. If this is enabled, all supplier, business units, sites, and labor types that are created in the future should be associated with this invoice billing schedule.

Create an Invoice Billing Schedule

WorkingNet wants to have invoices sent systematically from reCrewIT every Monday.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you will need to set up an Invoice Billing Schedule to do that.

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