Navigating Connector/Subscription Statistics


After completing this lesson, you will be able to navigate the Connector/Subscription Statistics admin object and explain what it represents in SAP Fieldglass.

Connector/Subscription Statistics

The Connector/Subscription Statistics page allows you to view a count of successful and failed integration connector file and subscription runs over the past four weeks. A subscription within SAP Fieldglass is a defined integration schedule that you can configure to execute integrations automatically, processing uploads or downloads against a defined external end point.

Navigating the Connector/Subscription Statistics Admin Object

screenshot of the Integration section of the Admin Menu, the Connector/Subscription Statistics link is highlighted
1To view the integration statistics within the tenant, select Connector/Subscription Statistics from the Integration section of the admin menu.

Connector/Subscription Statistics Page

screenshot of Connector/Subscription page highlighting the Activity, Variant, and Date Range columns

The outcomes of the connector and subscription runs are listed in a table that can be sorted and filtered by integration/subscription activity, connector name, download/upload activity, and variant. The amounts of successful and failed runs of each integration are shown in columns corresponding to the week that the run occurred.

2You can switch between Connector lists and subscription lists by selecting the appropriate integration type from the Activity field.
3If the connector is a copy of an existing connector, the original connector would be listed in the Variant column.
4Successful Integration Counts in the Date Range columns display green, and failed integration counts display red. The stat numbers can be selected and will take you to the selected integration’s audit trail detail.

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