Uploading Rates


After completing this lesson, you will be able to navigate upload connectors for the various Rate elements.

Uploading Rates

The various components of Rates can be uploaded in bulk using SAP Fieldglass standard connector .csv files.

When initially loading a rate structure into a tenant, files must be loaded in a certain order. For example: when you’re loading a Rate Group, which is a grouping of Rate Codes, those Rate Codes must already exist in the tenant. Additionally, if you’re loading Rate Codes with Rate Component Groups, those Rate Component Groups must already exist in the tenant.

The order for loading a rate file is as follows.

  1. Upload Rate Components = Used to create Rate Components in bulk.
  2. Upload Rate Component Groups = Used to create Rate Component Groups in bulk and associates Rate Components to them.
  3. Upload Rates = Used to create individual Rates in bulk.
  4. Upload Rate Groups = Used to create Rate Group shells in bulk.
  5. Upload Rate Grids = Used to create Rate Grid shells bulk.
  6. Rate Group Detail Upload = Used to associate individual Rates to Rate Group(s) in bulk.
  7. Rate Grid Detail Upload = Used to associate multiple suppliers, sites, and Rate Groups to Rate Grid(s) in bulk.

Not all uploads will be applicable, depending on the rate structure that’s being created.

Rate Code Upload

screenshot of a Rate Code Upload template displaying as a spreadsheet populated with data and showing the Modification Type column, the Rate Code column, the Rate Category column, the Currency column, the Rate Unit column, and the Min Rate and Max Rate columns

The first few lines at the top of the Rate Code upload connector—illustrated here as rows 1 -5—are called the File Header. This provides information for how this upload file should be processed. All upload files for SAP Fieldglass are required to have a section like this, though the specific fields may vary. The name of the connector is included, as well as the language used in the file and the number format.

The rows below the file header contain the data that is to be uploaded. The topmost row—illustrated here as row7—indicates the specific data that is listed in the respective columns.

Col AData in the Modification Type column tells the application if this row of data should be added to the tenant, removed, or just updated.
Col BData in the Rate Code column details the unique naming convention assigned to each individual rate. The naming convention can be made up of, for example, the job posting template, the worker pay type, the currency, the rate category, and the unit of measure.
Col EData in the Rate Category column indicates where each rate code is assigned to either Standard Time, Over Time, or any other rate category used in a customer’s rate structure.
Col FData in the Currency column indicates the currency that this rate code should be associated to.
Col GData in the Rate Unit column indicates the unit that the rate is assigned to. For example, hours or days.
Cols H, IData in the Min Rate and Max Rate columns are the minimum and maximum rates that this code should encompass. This is where the actual values for these rate codes are assigned.

Some other important fields to call out that are not shown here include the rate type, the factor and the base rate category (for example Overtime is calculated as 1.5x the ST rate) and the rate component group that should be associated to this rate code.

Rate Group and Rate Grid Uploads

It’s important to note that Rate Group and Rate Grid uploads simply create the name of groups and grids, and act as placeholders for the details.

Rate Group Upload

The Rate Group upload connector uploads rate group codes as placeholders for details of the rate groups. The details are loaded through separate connectors.

screenshot of Rate Group Upload template displaying data in a spreadsheet and showing the Modification Type column, the Rate Group Code column, the Name column, the Description column, the Rate Type columns, and the MSP Code column

Rate Grid Upload

Rate Grid upload just loads the name of the Rate Grids that will be used to house the details.

The top section of the upload template that tells the application which connector is being used and which language to load data in.

The required columns include:

  • modification type
  • code
  • name
  • as well as the optional Description.

Rate grid data is populated in the upload file according to the naming convention the customer put together

screenshot of Rate Grid Upload template displaying data in a spreadsheet and showing the Modification Type column, the Rate Grid Code column, the Name column, and the Description column

Rate Group Details and Rate Grid Details Upload

Rate Group Details is where the specific Rate Codes that comprise the Rate Group are actually uploaded, and Rate Grid Details is where the specific Rate Groups that comprise the Rate Grid are uploaded.

screenshot of Rate Group Upload template displaying data in a spreadsheet and showing the Modification Type, Rate Group Code, Name, Description, Rate Types and MSP Code columns

This document acts as a map to tell the application how to associate these vales appropriately. Each Rate Grid has to have a specific row of data to capture the unique combination of Supplier, Site and Rate Group.

1The Rate Grid Code column contains the names of the Rate Grid Code which were loaded using the Rate Grid Upload template.
2The Supplier, Site and Rate Group columns include: the exact supplier, site, and rate group combination to be associated to the Rate Grid entered in the Rate Grid Code column.

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