Describing Model Components - Master Data Types and Key Figures


After completing this lesson, you will be able to employ key figures in SAP Integrated Business Planning to aid in demand planning

Key Figures

Key figures are a series of numbers over time, where each number corresponds to a particular time period value.

Key figures have a business context: In SAP Integrated Business Planning, end users view and use key figures in the planning views or in Analytics. Every key figure has a base planning level.

Key figures are associated with a key, which is a combination of attributes from one or more master data objects.

Key Figures for Mid- to Long-Term Demand Planning

Key Figure IDStoredCalculatedEditableUOM ConversionCurrency ConversionLowest Time GranularityBusiness Meaning Assigned
CONSENSUSDEMANDXXXX Technical WeekConsensus Demand


 X C Technical Week 
ACTUALSREVX   XTechnical Week 
ACTUALSPRICE X  XTechnical Week 
SALESFCSTREV X  XTechnical Week 

Typically, several lines of business within a company are involved in demand planning. The key figure definitions of SAP6 can consider these different needs.

Key Figure definition of SAP6 reflects the involvement of several line of businesses, like Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, with focusing on planning of quantities but also considering value-based information.

In standard SAP6, the sales history is usually modeled using order data (which is required for Demand Sensing).

In case Demand Sensing is not in scope during implementation, the sales history could also be loaded as time series data and used for the Statistical Forecasting.

The following is an example of quantity key figures used by the different roles involved – and the consensus key figure to be used for the final agreement.

Key figures in demand planning follow a certain sequence reflecting the demand planning process. Starting with Statistical Forecast Quantity, Sales Forecast, Marketing Forecast to Demand Planning Quantity, Consensus Demand without Promotions, Promotion Quantity concluding in the Final Consensus Quantity.

The following figure shows an example of how price key figures are used.

To also reflect value-based planning following key figures can be used: Actuals Revenue, Actuals Price, Statistical Forecast Price, Sales Forecast Price, Sales Forecast Revenue, Consensus Demand Plan Revenue and Marketing Forecast Revenue.

The following figure shows more key figures for the future and ex-post forecast used to identify the accuracy of fit of the forecasting model.

Description of different Forecasting Key Figures: Statistical Forecast Quantity: Used to store results of statistical forecasting. Ex-Post Forecast Quantity: Used to store ex-post forecast. Model-Fit Error MAPE: used to store values of the MAPE error measure (which is a time-independent key figure). Model-Fit Error MASE: Used to store values of the MASE error measure (time-independent key figure).

In the following figure, we see key figures to store data at the order level.

Following key figures are used to store the data on order level. For Demand Sensing: Requested Quantity and Confirmed Quantity. For Statistical Forecasting and Demand Sensing: Actuals Quantity and Delivered Quantity.

In the following figure, we see key figures to store order data aggregated at the time series level.

Following key figures are aggregating the data into time series on Product/ Location/ Customer Day Level: For Statistical Forecasting and Demand Sensing: Adjusted Delivered Quantity. For Demand Sensing only: Future Ordered Quantity.

There are further special key figures that are just used as helpers to enable actions with other key figures.

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