Once you have created a key figure, you can add calculations to it. Note the following modeling requirements:
Any key figures that an end user is able to query from the UI must have a calculation at REQUEST level.
A calculation at REQUEST level either must be an aggregation, or must have inputs from REQUEST level only.
You can define calculations that aggregate the key figure data from a lower base planning level using an operator, such as SUM, MIN, or MAX.
You can also define calculations across key figures, for example, KF1 plus KF2.
A key figure referenced in a calculation must be specified as an input key figure for the calculation.
Calculation inputs can be marked as stored or calculated. The calculation chain for every key figure must result in a stored key figure. For example, KF1@PL1 = KF2@PL1 plus KF3@PL1, key figure 2 (KF2) is a stored input key figure, and key figure 3 (KF3) is a calculated input key figure. The calculated chain for key figure 3 (KF3) must finish with a stored key figure (such as KF3@PL1 = SUM(KF4@PL2), where KF4@PL2 is a stored key figure.
Any key figure not marked as stored forces the system to locate a calculation to determine the values of the key figure for the calculation. In this way, calculations are linked together.
A complete list of requirements is listed in the Model Configuration Guide >> Modeling Requirements (Checks and Errors).