Understanding Process Steps for Sales Order Processing


After completing this lesson, you will be able to implement the process steps for sales order processing and identify the SAP applications that support each step

Define Process Steps for Sales Order Processing

Order Management

Process StepDescription
Maintain / Display Sales Order

The Internal Sales Representative can call the Sales Order Fulfillment Monitor (SOFM) to check the status of sales orders. The user gets an overview of issues around the sales orders and can navigate to documents related to the process flow of the sales order.

Sales Order Fulfillment Monitor(Optional)

You can call the Sales Order Fulfillment Monitor (SOFM) to check the status of sales orders. You get an overview of issues around the sales orders and can navigate to the documents related to the process flow of the sales order.

Processing Existing Debit Memo Requests

Process StepDescription
Create Customer Invoices

The billing clerk creates invoices for services that have been executed. The invoice is printed and can be sent to the customer. A journal entry is created in finance. The entry is then the basis for incoming payments that clear the open items in customer accounts.

Manage Customer Invoices (Optional)

The billing clerk lists the created customer invoices. From this list, invoices can be canceled or posted to accounting. Depending on system configuration, billing documents are either automatically transferred to accounting or blocked for automatic posting and manually released to accounting.

Create Preliminary Billing Document (Optional)

The billing clerk creates preliminary billing documents based on these billing due list items, adjusts view settings and filters to customize your experience.

Process Preliminary Billing Document Approval (Optional)

Only relevant if below conditions are fulfilled:

  • Approval reason(s) is defined and assigned (Define and Assign Approval Reasons in Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item).

  • The Cloud Business Add-In (BADI) that returns an approval reasons is implemented (Implement Cloud BADI in Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item).

  • Total amount of the order is not less than 500.

Approve Preliminary Billing Document

The billing approver makes an approval decision to release the preliminary billing documents.

Approval details like approver and the reason can be checked later in the approval workflow.

Processing Manual Credit Memo Requests

Process StepDescription
Create Manual Credit Memo Request

The Internal Sales Representative creates a manual credit memo request (without reference to any preceding document).

Process Credit Memo Request Approval (Optional)

Only relevant if the following conditions are met:

  • Approval reason(s) is defined and assigned ( Define and Assign Approval Reasons in Credit Memo Processing (1EZ) scope item).

  • The Cloud BADI that returns an approval reasons is implemented (Implement Cloud BADI in Credit Memo Processing (1EZ) scope item).

  • Total amount of the order is not less than 500.

Approve/Reject Credit Memo Request

The billing approver makes approval decision to release or reject the credit memo request.

Create Manual Credit Memo

The billing clerk creates a credit memo for a credit memo request.

Manage Manual Credit Memo (Optional)

The billing clerk changes a credit memo.

Processing Manual Debit Memo Requests

Process StepDescription
Create Manual Debit Memo Request

The Internal Sales Representative creates a manual debit memo request (without reference to any preceding document).

Manage Debit Memo Request (Optional)

The Internal Sales Representative displays, changes and cancels a manual debit memo request.

Create Customer Invoices

The billing clerk creates an invoice for a debit memo request.

Manage Customer Invoices (Optional)

The billing clerk changes a debit memo.

Down Payment (Optional)

Process StepDescription
Create Down Payment Request (Optional)The billing clerk creates a down payment request.


Before proceeding with this step, ensure the prerequisite step has been completed in the Prepayments in Customer Projects for Down Payments (Optional) chapter of the Project Billing – Project Based Services (4E9) scope item.

Schedule Jobs

Process StepDescription
Schedule Billing Creation (Optional)

You can define the creation of billing documents according to a schedule.

Schedule Billing Release (Optional)

You can define the release of billing documents according to a schedule.

Schedule Billing Output (Optional)

You can define when and how customer invoices are sent to the customer.

Billing Processing

Process StepDescription
Cancel Billing Document (Optional)

The billing clerk cancels a billing document.

Sales Order Fulfillment Monitor (Optional)

You can call the Sales Order Fulfillment Monitor (SOFM) to check the status of sales orders. You get an overview of issues around the sales orders and can navigate to the documents related to the process flow of the sales order.

Identify SAP Applications for Sales Order Processing

Process Flow 1: Order Management

  • Manage Sales Orders Services
  • Sales Order Fulfillment Analyze and Resolve Issues

Process Flow 2: Processing Existing Debit Memo Requests

  • Create Billing Documents
  • Manage Billing Documents

Process Flow 3: Processing Manual Credit Memo Requests

  • Create Credit Memo Request
  • Manage Credit Memo Requests
  • My Inbox All Items
  • Create Billing Documents Billing Due List Items
  • Manage Billing Documents

Process Flow 4: Processing Manual Debit Memo Requests

  • Create Debit Memo Request
  • Manage Debit Memo Requests
  • Create Billing Documents Billing Due List Items
  • Manage Billing Documents

Process Flow 5: Processing Down Payment

Create Billing Documents Billing Due List Items

Process Flow 6: Schedule Jobs

  • Schedule Billing Creation
  • Schedule Billing Release
  • Schedule Billing Output

Process Flow 7: Billing Processing

  • Manage Billing Documents
  • Sales Order Fulfillment Analyze and Resolve Issues

Manage Sales Orders - Services

SAP Manage Sales Orders for Services interface displaying Sales Order arranged by Sales Order number, Customer Reference, Customer, Customer Project, Document Date, Total Amount, Status, and Billing Block.


You can use this app to search for sales orders and edit them. These are sales orders that have been created for services within a customer project.

Key Features

  • Filter for sales orders by entering a value in one or more of the following basic fields: Sales order, customer reference, customer, project, status, and document date.

  • Filter for sales orders using the following additional criteria: Employee responsible, ship-to party, project manager, project accountant, project controller, project partner, sales organization, distribution channel, division, and billing block.

  • Create your own filter variant.

  • Hide the filter bar.

  • Search using any search term.

  • Sort the listed sales orders by sales order, customer, customer project, date, status, billing block, employee responsible, ship-to party, project manager, project accountant, project controller, and project partner.

  • Hide or show columns in the list.

  • Select one or more sales orders and set or remove a billing block. When you set a billing block, you must give a reason.

  • Display a sales order object page by choosing the sales order number.

  • Resolve sales order issues by choosing the sales order number.

  • Display the sales order by choosing a row in the list.

  • Navigate to the customer object page.

  • Navigate to the customer project object page.

On the Sales Order screen, you can:

  • Change the sales order to Edit.

  • If you have the business role customer project manager, you can directly navigate to the related customer project.

  • Display or edit header data, such as the customer reference, purchase order date, or payment terms in the General area.

  • Set and remove a billing block for a sales order. Remember to select a reason for the billing block.

  • From the Items area, you can navigate to the item details. Here you can:

    • Display and edit the Item Details area with item category, WBS element, and reason for the billing block.

    • Set and remove a billing block for a sales order item in the Item Details area.

    • Set and remove a reason for rejection of the sales order item.

    • Display and edit the billing plan: You can add, change, and delete billing due dates.

    • Add, remove, and edit partners at item level in the Partner area. If you change the item partner, for example, you change the bill-to party or you change an address, the system sets the Partner Differs From Header indicator.

      You can also edit the additional partner roles project accountant, project controller, and project partner, but not the additional role project manager.

    • Add, remove, and edit texts at item level in the Texts area.

  • Add, remove, and edit partners in the Partner area.


    You cannot edit the additional partner roles project manager, project accountant, project controller, and project partner. The employee responsible corresponds to the employee responsible in the General area. If you change the employee responsible in this area, the employee responsible in the General area is updated accordingly.
  • Add, remove, and edit texts in the Texts area.

  • Save your changes.

  • Discard your changes by choosing Cancel.

Sales Order Fulfillment Issues

The SAP interface displays the Track Sales Order Details screen for fulfillment status. The screen shows the fulfillment details for Standard Order 2, which is not shipped and not invoiced. The process flow includes order processing, supply processing, delivery processing, and invoicing. Specific items such as outbound deliveries with shipping issues and production orders are highlighted. The fulfillment status for various documents ranges from completely delivered to not shipped with overdue delivery days indicated. The interface allows for tracking the entire order fulfillment process.


With this app, you can search for sales documents with issues according to specific criteria, such as sales document, issue, and issue category, and display your results in charts or a table. From here, you can navigate to the Track Sales Order Details app for more details, where you can display all the relevant subsequent documents, and resolve these issues.

Key Features

  • This app offers renewed functionality to the Sales Order Fulfillment app, using an analytical list page application.

  • The functionality remains almost the same as the Sales Order Fulfillment app, but the presentation of the app has been refreshed and the personalization options have been enhanced. For example, you can view a combination of transactional and analytical data using chart and table visualization.

  • If you want to use the app, you need to add it to your home page manually. You do this by choosing Edit Home Page in the Me Area. Next, search for the app in Sales Orders and add it to your home page.

  • The app starts with a tile with the top 3 issue types.

  • The following screen areas are available and can all be personalized and saved as variants:

    • A filter bar in which you can toggle between a visual filter and compact filter.

      • The visual filter renders filterable micro charts with a key performance indicator (KPI) on the top 3 dimensions, for example, the total number of issues by issue category.

      • You can typically filter on issue, sales organization, sold-to party, week of requested delivery, and many more, such as potential issues.

      • The selections you make in the compact filter for sales group, sales office, sales organization, distribution channel, division, and sold-to party influence what is displayed in the visual filters. For example, if you select a specific sold-to party in the compact filter, the visual filters show results for this sold-to party only.

      • The selections you make in the visual filters also influence each other. For example, if you select a sold-to party in one visual filter, the second visual filter is reloaded and filtered on this sold-to party, and vice versa.

      • Note that for technical reasons, the visual filter Issues Total by Issue Category is not influenced by the selections made in the filters.

      • You can also use the fuzzy search to search for sales document, customer reference, created by user, and sold-to party.

      • You can filter on a specific product marketability status, for example, to display sales documents that are blocked due to product compliance reasons. In the sales order details, you can display this status on header and item level for issue types Delivery Block in Sales Orders and Delivery Issue in Sales Orders.

      • You can also filter on sold-to party one-time account and ship-to party one-time account, and also their name in the list and, in addition, the address at header level in the customer details.

    • Charts in which you can visualize your results, such as donut, bar charts, and many more.

      • For example, a donut chart displays your filter results with the total issues for each issue type.

      • You can also drill down on further dimensions, such as customer, product category, or plant.

    • A list of sales order issues in a table in which you can hide and show further fields.

      • For example, you can display high-level information on the sales orders by showing sales orders with total issues and total issue items, and also on a lower level by filtering on follow-up documents, for example, manufacturing order, outbound delivery, or billing document.

      • You can navigate to view more details and resolve these issues in the Track Sales Order Details app.

      • You can navigate to the object pages of the follow-up documents from here.

      • You can export the list to a spreadsheet for further processing.

      • You can carry out the following mass actions from the list:

        • Reject all items

        • Remove delivery block

        • Remove billing block

    • You can save your required search criteria from the filter bar, for example, a specific issue, the method of display (a specific chart or table view), and the fields you want to see, for future use.

      You do this by saving your view with your own title. You can also save this view as a tile for your home page.


To carry out specific actions, for example, change data in a billing document, you need to assign specific business catalogs. The Internal Sales Representative business role allows you to display and change all objects related to sales orders. However, if you want to display or change objects from external applications, such as Billing or Materials Management, you need specific business catalogs.

The table below provides an overview of which business catalogs are required for which actions:

ActionRequired Business Catalog
Display and change billing documentSales - Billing Document
Display and change outbound deliveryLogistics Execution - Outbound Deliveries
Display and change purchase orderMaterials Management - Purchase Orders
Display production orderProduction - Order Display


A key user can restrict the authorizations for their users by allowing all actions, no actions, or specific actions for example, by restricting the activity, that is, change or display authorization for a billing type (for example, credit memo, invoice), or a sales organization.

App Extensibility: Sales Order Fulfillment - Analyze and Resolve Issues (F0029A)

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields and Logic app using the business context Sales: Sales Document.

Key users can enable usage of their custom fields for the data source Sales Order Fulfillment Issues in the UIs and Reports section of the custom field maintenance in the Custom Fields and Logic app and publish their custom fields.

Business users can display fields that you have enabled in the Custom Fields and Logic app. The fields that you enable for this app are included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI ElementBusiness Context
Sales Documents with IssuesSales: Sales Document

Create Billing Documents

SAP Create Billing Documents interface displaying Billing Due List Items by SD Document, SD Document Category, Sold to Party, Billing Date, Net Value, Billing Category, Billing Type, Customer Project, Sales Organization, SD Document Type, and Solution Order.


With this app, you can generate either individual or collective billing documents from the billing due list. This procedure is usually performed at regular intervals (for example, at the end of every month) or as needed according to your company's invoicing schedule.

Key Features

  • Generate a list of all sales documents that are due for billing using a range of selection criteria.

  • Create an individual billing document for each processed billing due list item.

  • Create a collective billing document for multiple billing due list items.

  • View billing document details.

  • Perform a split analysis to determine why the system has split a billing document.

  • Sort and filter the billing due list using a range of criteria.

Manage Billing Documents

SAP Manage Billing Documents interface displaying Accounting Data and Process Flow.


With this app, you can manage invoices, invoice cancellations, credit memos, and other billing documents. This includes displaying, editing, posting, and canceling billing documents. You can also review why a billing document split has occurred and generate PDF based print previews of billing documents.

Key Features

  • Searching for Billing Documents

    • You can search for billing documents as follows:

      • Search using basic filters

        You can filter by status to show billing documents that are completed, incomplete, to be posted, or canceled. You can also filter by customer (sold-to party), billing type, and billing date.

      • Search using additional filters

        You can add additional filters to the filter bar and filter by document category (for example, invoice, invoice cancellation, credit memo, and others), sales organization, document number, payer, issue (for example, a billing document problem with account determination), and many more criteria.

    • You can show and hide the filter bar. You can save your filter settings and restore the original settings.

    • You can also search by entering the document number, customer name, customer ID, and other attributes into the search field.

  • Adapting Your View

    You can make the following view settings:

    • Select the columns that you want to display.

    • Sort the displayed data by one or more data types (for example, by customer number).

    • Group the data (for example, by customer project).

    • Use page variants to save and load custom filter and column layouts that you have created. Values that you have set in filters are also saved. You can also share saved page variants with other system users.

  • Displaying a Split Analysis

  • Displaying Billing Documents

    When billing multiple sales and distribution (SD) documents together, any differing SD document header and business partner fields cause the resulting billing document to be split into two or more billing documents. You can perform a split analysis by selecting two billing documents in the list and choosing the split analysis button. The system then shows a comparison of the differing header fields and business partner fields that caused the split. This comparison can help you understand why the system could not combine the billed SD documents into a single, collective billing document.


    Example: You bill two outbound deliveries with the same billing date that are intended for the same customer. Therefore, you expect both deliveries to be combined into a single invoice. The system, however, creates two separate invoices, and you want to know why this split occurred. You perform a split analysis on the two invoices. The analysis reveals that the deliveries were fulfilled by two different sales organizations, which means that they cannot be combined into a single invoice.

    You can select multiple billing documents to display them simultaneously. In this case, the system enables you to quickly navigate between the selected billing documents. Once a billing document is displayed, you can view and change information as follows:


    To change information, you need to enter editing mode.
    • General information

      You can view and edit the billing date. You can view company information, a unique reference for the billing document, payment terms, incoterms, and billing document issues (for example, a problem with account determination).

    • Items

      You can view the item ID, material, quantity, net value, tax amount, and total amount.

    • Pricing elements

      You can view pricing elements such as the condition type, base amount, and calculated amount. An indicator shows when a pricing element is inactive. When a condition is used for statistics or when a price has been changed manually, this is also indicated here. The statistical indicator is selected when a surcharge or discount has been set in the document statistically (that is, without altering the net value). The system automatically determines the statistical setting based on the pricing procedure.

    • Business partners

      You can view the role, name, and contact details of business partners.

    • Process flow

      The process flow provides a graphical overview of the chain of connected process steps and the corresponding business documents (document flow). For example, you can see the status of a sales order, whether it has been marked as relevant for shipping, and whether an invoice has been created.

    • Texts

      In editing mode, you can add texts. You can set the language of your text and the text type (for example, a billing instruction for a colleague or a billing note for your customer).

    • Attachments

      In editing mode, you can add attachments by uploading files or adding URLs. You can edit the name displayed for attachments and delete the attachments.

    • Output items

      • You can view the status of output items (for example, an output item in preparation for sending). You can choose the dispatch time (for example, immediately). You can choose the output type (for example, invoice). You can choose the recipient and channel (for example, email or print). You can also choose the form template used for your output item. The system displays the creation date and time, indicating when output items were created. You can also display a preview for each output item (for example, a customer invoice in PDF form).

      • You can send output and resend output. If you have sent output manually and want to change its status in the system, you can choose to manually set the status to completed. You can view the status of the output items in the application log.


        When you manually add output items for the email channel, output parameter determination is not involved. Therefore, the sender email address is read from the master data of the sales organization that is issuing the billing document. For the email channel to function correctly in this scenario, key users must maintain this sender email address in the Manage Your Solution app under Configure Your Solution → (set Application Area filter to Sales and set Sub Application Area filter to Organization) → Sales Organizations → Configure → (select address) → Edit → Email.
    • Navigate down to billing item level to view item details

      You can view item details such as net and tax amounts, pricing data and elements, partners, accounting data, and taxes. For items that have been configured using advanced variant configuration, you can display configuration details.

    • Display a split analysis

      • When you are simultaneously viewing two or more billing documents in detail, you can perform a split analysis by choosing the split analysis button.

        • If you are viewing two billing documents, this compares the documents with each other.

        • If you are viewing more than two billing documents, you are prompted to choose a billing document that you would like to compare to the one that is currently selected on the left-hand side of the screen.

      • The system then shows a comparison of the differing header fields and business partner fields that caused the split. This comparison can help you understand why the system could not combine the billed SD documents into a single billing document. In general, any differing SD document header and business partner fields cause a split.

  • Posting Billing Documents

    When you post billing documents, the system transfers the billing document to accounting and triggers output (for example, a customer invoice PDF sent by email).

  • Canceling Billing Documents

    • There are several reasons why a billing document may need to be canceled. For example, an error may have occurred during billing creation, or billing data might may have been posted to the wrong accounts when it transferred to financial accounting. When you cancel a billing document, the system creates a billing document cancellation (for example, an invoice cancellation), which copies data from the billing document and creates an offsetting entry in financial accounting when it is posted.

    • The cancellation causes the preceding billable document (for example, the delivery) to be open for billing again, so that you can then create the correct billing document.


      • If the system has already posted the now-canceled billing document to financial accounting, it has also automatically posted the corresponding cancellation billing document to offset the canceled document's entry.

      • If the system has not yet posted the canceled billing document to financial accounting, both the canceled billing document and the cancellation billing document receive posting status E (billing document canceled). In this case, posting is not necessary and no journal entries are created.

  • Displaying Billing Document Object Pages

    To display a summary of a billing document's details, choose its document number in the list. This displays the corresponding billing document object page.

  • Displaying Customer Object Pages

    To display customer data, choose the customer name in the list. This displays the corresponding customer object page.

App Extensibility: Manage Billing Documents

You can use the Custom Fields and Logic app to extend the following business contexts:

  • Sales: Billing Document

  • Sales: Billing Document Item

You can enable usage of your custom fields for the app in the UIs and Reports section of the custom field maintenance and publish the custom fields.

You can add fields to the following UI elements:

UI ElementBusiness Context
General information (on document level)Sales: Billing Document
General information (on item level)Sales: Billing Document Item


When using this app to view a single billing document in detail, business users can edit custom fields on billing document level, but not on item level. All fields that are shown on item level are read-only. To edit custom fields on item level, open the Change Billing Documents app and navigate to the custom fields tab in the item details.

Business users can display fields that you have enabled in the Custom Fields and Logic app. The fields that you enable for this app are included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI ElementBusiness Context
Billing document listSales: Billing Document
Billing document items (on document level)Sales: Billing Document Item

Create Credit Memo Request

SAP Create Credit Memo Request Manual: Overview interface with data entry fields for sold to part, ship to party, and other relevant data such as Sales, Item Overview, Item Detail, Ordering Party, Procurement, Configuration, Reason for Rejection data.


A credit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request credit for a customer.

Key Features

  • To create a credit memo request, you have the following options:

    • In the Manage Credit Memo Requests app, choose Create Credit Memo Request.

    • In the Manage Credit Memo Request app, choose a credit memo request ID and then Create Credit Memo Request.

    • In the Credit Memo Request app, choose Create Credit Memo Request from the related apps.

    • Use the Enterprise Search in the header bar of the SAP Fiori launchpad to search for a credit memo request. In the results list, choose Create Credit Memo Request.

  • You can either create an independent credit memo request or create a credit memo request with reference to a preceding document (for example, a sales order). If you create a credit memo request with reference, the system copies the relevant data from the preceding document.

  • When you create a credit memo request, you first select a credit memo request type. Depending on the credit memo request type, a specific business process is triggered that is also associated with specific default values.

  • For the organizational data, there are three options:

    • The system determines the default values for the sales area (sales organization, distribution channel, division) from your user-specific parameters.

    • You don’t enter any data and the system uses the sold-to or ship-to party to derive the data for the sales organization, the distribution channel, and the division.


      If there are several sales areas for the sold-to or ship-to party, the system asks you to choose one of them.
    • You overwrite the default values and enter other data.

Header Level

On header level, you must enter the following information:

  • Sold-to party or ship-to party


    The sold-to party is the one that requests a credit memo.
    • Enter a sold-to party. If only one ship-to party is defined for it, the system automatically uses the same information for the ship-to party.

    • Enter a ship-to party. The system determines the sold-to party and, if necessary, the sales area. If several sold-to parties or sales areas for the ship-to party exist, the system asks you to choose one of them.


      When you confirm a sold-to or ship-to party, the system derives master data and automatically includes it in the credit memo request (for example, address information, texts, payment terms, or the document currency).
  • Customer reference

    The customer uses this alphanumeric key to uniquely identify a purchasing document (for example, a purchase order). During correspondence with the customer, you can use the key to find certain information about the document.

  • Customer reference date

    This date is shown on the customer's purchasing document. It can, for example, be the date on which the customer created the purchase order.

  • Order reason

    Choose a reason to explain why the credit memo request is necessary.

Item Level

  • You can create one or more items for a credit memo request by entering a material and a quantity. Whenever you confirm an item, the system derives master data and automatically includes it in the credit memo request (for example, descriptions and texts from the material master or the customer-material info record).

  • Every credit memo request item has an item category, which is also determined automatically. The item category has a similar role as the credit memo request type, only on a lower level (that is, on item level). Depending on the item category, specific follow-on processes are triggered.

  • After you have released the credit memo request, you can create a credit memo.

Create Debit Memo Request

SAP Create Credit Memo Request Manual: Overview interface with data entry fields for sold to part, ship to party, and other relevant data such as Sales, Item Overview, Item Detail, Ordering Party, Procurement, Configuration, Reason for Rejection data.


A debit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request debit for a customer.

Key Features

  • To create a credit memo request, you have the following options:

    • In the Manage Debit Memo Requests app, choose Create Debit Memo Request.

    • In the Manage Debit Memo Request app, choose a credit memo request ID and then Create Debit Memo Request.

    • In the Debit Memo Request app, choose Create Debit Memo Request from the related apps.

    • Use the Enterprise Search in the header bar of the SAP Fiori launchpad to search for a credit memo request. In the results list, choose Create Debit Memo Request.

  • You can either create an independent debit memo request or create a debit memo request with reference to a preceding document (for example, a sales order). If you create a debit memo request with reference, the system copies the relevant data from the preceding document.

  • When you create a debit memo request, you first select a debit memo request type. Depending on the debit memo request type, a specific business process is triggered that is also associated with specific default values.

  • For the organizational data, there are three options:

    • The system determines the default values for the sales area (sales organization, distribution channel, division) from your user-specific parameters.

    • You don’t enter any data and the system uses the sold-to or ship-to party to derive the data for the sales organization, the distribution channel, and the division.


      If there are several sales areas for the sold-to or ship-to party, the system asks you to choose one of them.
    • You overwrite the default values and enter other data.

Header Level

On header level, you must enter the following information:

  • Sold-to party or ship-to party

    • Enter a sold-to party. If only one ship-to party is defined for it, the system automatically uses the same information for the ship-to party.

    • Enter a ship-to party. The system determines the sold-to party and, if necessary, the sales area. If several sold-to parties or sales areas for the ship-to party exist, the system asks you to choose one of them.


      When you confirm a sold-to or ship-to party, the system derives master data and automatically includes it in the debit memo request (for example, address information, texts, payment terms, or the document currency).
  • Customer reference

    The customer uses this alphanumeric key to uniquely identify a purchasing document (for example, a purchase order). During correspondence with the customer, you can use the key to find certain information about the document.

  • Customer reference date

    This date is shown on the customer's purchasing document. It can, for example, be the date on which the customer created the purchase order.

  • Order reason

    Choose a reason to explain why the debit memo request is necessary.

Manage Credit Memo Requests

SAP Manage Credit Memo Requests-Version 2 displaying Credit Memo Request information by Credit Memo Request Number, Sold to Party, Customer Reference, Billing Date, Billing Status, Net Value, and Overall Status,.along with other relevant data.


With this app you can search for credit memo requests according to your filter criteria and display them in a list. From the list, you can navigate to related applications, for example, to display credit memo request details.

Key Features

  • Search for credit memo requests using a free text search

  • Search for credit memo requests by entering a value in one or more of the filter fields

  • Create a variant for the current filter selection and save it for later reference.

  • Filter the number of credit memo requests by using additional criteria.

  • Hide the filter bar.

  • Sort credit memo requests.

  • Hide or show columns in the list

  • Export the list of credit memo requests to a spreadsheet. The list is exported as displayed, that is, your column settings and sorting are kept.

  • Create a credit memo request.

  • Reject all items for a selected credit memo request. You must enter a reason for rejection.

  • Set or remove a billing block for a selected credit memo request on header level.

  • Display a preview of the billing document for a selected credit memo request.

  • Set an order reason for a selected credit memo request.

  • Navigate to the credit memo request details from the results list to either display or change data, by choosing a row in the list.

  • Navigate to the Customer - 360° View app.

  • Navigate to the credit memo request object page.

  • Navigate to the customer object page.

  • Navigate to the process flow, which provides you with a graphical overview of the chain of connected process steps and corresponding business documents (document flow). For example, you can see if a credit memo has been created, or if a journal entry has been created for this credit memo.

App Extensibility: Manage Credit Memo Requests

You can extend the app in the Custom Fields and Logic app using the business context Sales: Sales Document.

You can enable usage of your custom fields for the app underUIs and Reports.

Business users can display fields that you have enabled in the Custom Fields and Logic app. The fields that you enable for this app are included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI ElementBusiness Context
List of credit memo requestsSales: Sales Document

My Inbox - All Items

SAP My Inbox interface displaying Approval of Working Times information.


You can use this app to make important decisions via mobile or desktop devices anywhere and anytime. Using this app, you can process your workflow tasks based on the decision options defined in the back-end system.

Key Features

  • Process your workflow tasks.

  • Perform the standard actions (for example, claim, release, or forward a task), available by default.

  • Perform mass actions, that is, process several tasks of the same type at the same time.

  • View and add comments to an item using the Comments tab of the Detail view.

  • View custom attributes that provide additional information about the task instance.

  • View, upload, and delete attachments.

  • Create and manage substitution rules to manage the tasks in your absence.

  • Send emails.

  • View the business cards of the application users. Browse, sort, filter, and group tasks requiring action.

  • Easily process all your tasks with the preconfigured All Items tile.

  • View the support information about a task instance.

  • View the task history for workflow tasks.

  • View the additional information provided in the related objects for workflow tasks.

  • View the completed tasks and suspended tasks from Outbox tile.

  • Filter the tasks based on substitute users.

  • Filter the tasks using the filter criterion My Tasks and Tasks on Behalf of.

Standard Actions in My Inbox

You can process your workflow tasks within My Inbox application. You can work on a task, approve or reject task instance, and view its description. You can also claim, release, forward, and suspend tasks.

  • Show Log

    You can view details about the workflow of a selected task and events relevant to it chronologically. You can also view the business card of the agent and to navigate to task details from the workflow log.

  • Claim

    By choosing Claim standard action, you reserve a task for processing.


    When you claim a task, you become the processor of the task and all other recipients no longer see it in My Inbox. In this case, the status of the task changes from Ready to Reserved.
  • Release

    You can release a task, of which you are the processor.


    When you release a task, you are no longer assigned as a processor of this task and it becomes visible in My Inbox for its other recipients. In this case, the status of the task changes from Reserved to Ready.
  • Forward

    You can forward a task to assign it to other users for processing, and as an option to add a note to the recipient of the task. As a result, the forwarded task is no longer be available in your inbox, and appears in recipient’s inbox.

  • Suspend

    You can suspend a task for a certain amount of time.


    You can suspend as task, which you have already claimed, or which is in status Ready. In case the task is in status Ready, then it is automatically claimed in your name and you become its processor. The other recipients no longer see the task in My Inbox. At the resubmission date you have chosen, while suspending the task, it automatically reappears in your Inbox for processing.

Manage Debit Memo Requests

SAP Manage Debit Memo Requests interface with Debit Memo Request arranged by Debit Memo Request, Sold to Party, Customer Reference, Billing Date, Billing Status, Overall Status, Net Value, and Document Date.


With this app you can search for debit memo requests according to your filter criteria and display them in a list. From the list, you can navigate to related applications, for example, to display debit memo request details.

Key Features

  • Search for debit memo requests using a free text search.

  • Search for debit memo requests by entering a value in one or more of the filter fields.

  • Create a variant for the current filter selection and save it for later reference.


    SAP delivers a standard filter variant.
  • Filter the number of debit memo requests by using additional criteria.

  • Hide the filter bar.

  • Sort debit memo requests.SAP delivers a default sort order.

  • Hide or show columns in the list

  • Export the list of debit memo requests to a spreadsheet. The list is exported as displayed, that is, your column settings and sorting are kept.

  • Create a debit memo request.

  • Reject all items for a selected debit memo request. You must enter a reason for rejection.

  • Set or remove a billing block for a selected debit memo request on header level.

  • Display a preview of the billing document for a selected debit memo request.

  • Set an order reason for a selected debit memo request.

  • Navigate to the debit memo request details to either display or change data, by choosing a row in the list.

  • Navigate to the Customer - 360° View app.

  • Navigate to the debit memo request object page.

  • Navigate to the customer object page.

  • Navigate to the process flow that provides you with a graphical overview of the chain of connected process steps and corresponding business documents (document flow). For example, you can see if an invoice has been created, or if a journal entry has been created for this invoice.

App Extensibility: Manage Debit Memo Requests

You can extend the app in the Custom Fields and Logic app using the business context Sales: Sales Document.

You can enable usage of your custom fields for the app under UIs and Reports.

Business users can display fields that you have enabled in the Custom Fields and Logic app. The fields that you enable for this app are included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI ElementBusiness Context
List of debit memo requestsSales: Sales Document

Schedule Billing Creation

SAP New Job: Schedule Billing Creation interface displaying various sections such as:Template Selection, Scheduling Options, and Parameters.


With this app, you can schedule jobs for the creation of billing documents (for example, invoices for customers) based on items in the billing due list. You can also display, cancel, and copy these billing creation jobs. You can start the creation of billing documents immediately or schedule the creation to run in the background. Note that you can reduce system load and processing times by running document creation during periods when system usage is lower (for example, at night). The initial screen (application jobs list) provides an overview of all billing creation jobs.

Key Features

  • Basic Filtering Options

    • Status: You can filter billing creation jobs by their status (for example, to show jobs that are scheduled, canceled, or in process).

    • Date: You can display all billing creation jobs that exist for a given date range.


      Billing creation jobs that are canceled before their start date do not appear in the application jobs list. Billing creation jobs that are canceled after the start date and before the end date are shown in the list as canceled.
  • More Filtering Options

    You can also filter by job ID, run ID, time from, time to, description, name, and more. You can save your filter settings together with your view settings as a page variant and manage these saved page variants.

  • Billing Creation Job Details

    You can view the details of a billing creation job by choosing the respective row. The job details vary according to how you set up the job. If you have specified a recurrence (for example, every day), you can view the recurrence details here. Single run indicates that no recurrence has been set. Some of the other job details you can view here include the following:

    • Planned start date and time

    • Actual end date and time

    • Time zone of job

    • Parameter settings

  • Job Log

    • You can access the job log as follows:

      • From the log status field on the job details screen

      • By choosing the icon displayed in the log column of the application jobs list

    • By default, the following information is displayed for each logged event:

      • Status and description

      • Time stamp

    • You can display additional log information by adjusting the view settings. You can access the job details directly from the job log.

  • Schedule Billing Creation

    You can schedule the creation of billing documents from the application jobs list by creating a new job.

  • Basic Scheduling Options

    You can set criteria for which documents in the billing due list you want to create billing documents for and when their creation should start. You can choose to start the creation of billing documents immediately or at a later point in time. If you want to schedule the creation of billing documents for a later point in time, you can enter a start date and time manually or select them from the calendar.

  • More Scheduling Options

    • Change the time zone.

    • Schedule a recurrence so that billing documents are created at regular intervals (such as every minute, hour, day, week, or month, or at custom intervals you have set, such as every five days).

    • Specify an end date for the scheduled creation of billing documents.

    • Choose to run billing document creation only on working days.

    • Choose whether billing documents are created on non-working days.

    • Choose the appropriate calendar to include the public holidays for your country or region.

    • Reset the chosen recurrence.

  • Scheduling Criteria

    • You can select parameters to determine which billable sales and distribution (SD) documents are to be included in your new billing document creation job.

      • Billing data: You can specify the billing type of the SD documents that you want to include.

        • To specify the billing dates of the SD documents that you want to include, you can choose between the following two options (you cannot combine them):

          • You can specify an absolute range (from - to) of billing dates.

          • You can specify the required billing dates relative to the date on which your job is scheduled to run. You can do this by choosing from predefined relative date functions, but you can also create custom relative date functions. These date functions can specify a single date (for example, the last day of the previous month) or a date range (for example, the entire previous quarter).


            Example: Your periodic creation job is scheduled to run on the 15th of each month. You want it to include all SD documents with billing dates during the respective previous month, so you select the predefined date function PREVIOUSMONTH. On February 15, the scheduled job runs and creates billing documents for all billable SD documents with billing dates in January. This pattern now repeats every month.


            When you choose a date function, the resulting date is always determined in relation to the date on which the job is scheduled to run. For example, if your job is scheduled to run on May 15 and you choose the date function YESTERDAY to specify the relevant billing date, the system includes all billable SD documents with a billing date of May 14.
        • Custom date functions can be created in the Manage Date Functions app. Any custom date functions that are created in this app become available for relative date selection in the Schedule Billing Creation and Schedule Billing Release apps.


          Only business users that have the Analytics - Query Design business catalog (SAP_CA_BC_ANA_AQD_PC) assigned to them can use the Manage Date Functions app. The business role Analytics Specialist (SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST) contains this catalog by default. If you want to give business users with the Billing Clerk (SAP_BR_BILLING_CLERK) business role access to the app, a key user can assign the Analytics - Query Design business catalog to the Billing Clerk business role.
      • Organization data: You can specify a shipping point, division, distribution channel, sales organization, and an SD document number.

      • Customer data: You can select a sold-to party and destination country or region.

      • Default data: You can set a flag to block the direct posting of billing documents to accounting. If this flag is not set, and you have chosen to automatically post billing documents, the system automatically posts all billing documents that you create to accounting. If this flag is set, you need to manually transfer blocked billing documents to accounting using the Manage Billing Documents app.

        You can also specify default values for the billing type, billing date, date of services rendered, and pricing date.

      • Document type data: You can choose delivery-related or order-related document types.

    • Once you have defined all relevant parameters, you can check if the specified data is correct and schedule the billing document creation. The new creation job then appears in the application jobs list.


      If you choose immediate creation, the final status may not be visible immediately (depending on the processing times). Please refresh after a few moments to see the final status of the creation job. You can't make changes to a scheduled job once it has been created. If you need to change a scheduled job, you can cancel it from the application job screen if it has not run yet.
  • Copy an Existing Creation Job

    If you want to schedule a creation job that is similar to an existing creation job, you can copy an existing creation job and edit the copy as required. All parameters, including the recurrence, are copied.

Schedule Billing Release

SAP New Job: Schedule Billing Release highlighting Step 2- Scheduling Options, with the Parameters section also displayed.


With this app, you can schedule the release of billing documents (for example, invoices for customers) by creating billing release jobs. Releasing a billing document posts it to financial accounting and results in the creation of a journal entry. You can also display, cancel, and copy these billing release jobs. You can start the release of billing documents immediately or schedule the release to run in the background. Note than you can reduce system load and processing times by running billing release during periods when system usage is lower (for example, at night). The initial screen (application jobs list) provides an overview of all billing release jobs.

Key Features

  • Basic Filtering Options

    • Status: You can filter billing release jobs by their status (for example, to show jobs that are scheduled, canceled, or in process).

    • Date: You can display all billing release jobs that exist for a given date range.


      Billing release jobs that are canceled before their start date do not appear in the application jobs list. Billing release jobs that are canceled after the start date and before the end date are shown in the list as canceled.
  • More Filtering Options

    You can also filter by job ID, run ID, time from, time to, description, name, and more. You can save your filter settings together with your view settings as a page variant and manage these saved page variants.

  • Billing Release Job Details

    You can view the details of a billing release job by choosing the respective row. The job details vary according to how you set up the job. If you have specified a recurrence (for example, every day) you can view the recurrence details here. Single run indicates that no recurrence has been set. Some of the other job details you can view here include the following:

    • Planned start date and time

    • Actual end date and time

    • Time zone of job

    • Parameter settings

  • Job Log

    • You can access the job log as follows:

      • From the log status field on the job details screen

      • By choosing the icon displayed in the log column of the application jobs list

    • By default, the following information is displayed for each logged event:

      • Status and description

      • Time stamp

    • You can display additional log information by adjusting the view settings. You can access the job details directly from the job log.

  • Schedule Billing Release

    You can schedule the release of billing documents from the initial overview screen. You can define which billing documents you want to release and when the release should start.

  • Basic Scheduling Options

    You can choose to start the release of billing documents immediately or at a later point in time. If you want to schedule the release of billing documents for a later point in time, you can enter a start date and time manually or select them from the calendar.

  • More Scheduling Options

    • Change the time zone.

    • Schedule a recurrence so that billing documents are released at regular intervals (such as every minute, hour, day, week, or month, or at custom intervals you have set, such as every five days).

    • Specify an end date for the scheduled release of billing documents.

    • Choose to run billing document release only on working days.

    • Choose whether billing documents are released on non-working days.

    • Choose the appropriate calendar to include the public holidays for your country or region.

    • Reset the chosen recurrence

  • Scheduling Criteria

    • You can select parameters to determine which billing documents are to be included in your billing document release job.

      • Customer data: You can select a payer.
      • Organization data: You can specify a sales organization.

      • Document data: You can select or enter a billing document number, billing type, and billing category.

      • Creation data: To specify the creation dates of the billing documents that you want to include in your new billing document release job, you can choose between the following two options (you cannot combine them):

        • You can specify an absolute creation date or an absolute creation date range (from - to).

        • You can specify the required creation dates relative to the date on which your job is scheduled to run. You can do this by choosing from predefined relative date functions, but you can also create custom relative date functions. These date functions can specify a single date (for example, the last day of the previous month) or a date range (for example, the entire previous quarter).

          You can specify the required billing dates relative to the date on which your job is scheduled to run. You can do this by choosing from predefined relative date functions, but you can also create custom relative date functions. These date functions can specify a single date (for example, the last day of the previous month) or a date range (for example, the entire previous quarter).


          Example: Your periodic release job is scheduled to run on the 15th of each month. You want it to include all billing documents with creation dates during the respective previous month, so you select the predefined date function PREVIOUSMONTH. On February 15, the scheduled job runs and releases all billing documents that were created in January. This pattern now repeats every month.


          When you choose a date function, the resulting date is always determined in relation to the date on which the job is scheduled to run. For example, if your job is scheduled to run on May 15 and you choose the date function YESTERDAY to specify the relevant creation date, the system includes all billing documents that were created on May 14.
        • Custom date functions can be created in the Manage Date Functions app. Any custom date functions that are created in this app become available for relative date selection in the Schedule Billing Creation and Schedule Billing Release apps.


          Only business users that have the Analytics - Query Design business catalog (SAP_CA_BC_ANA_AQD_PC) assigned to them can use the Manage Date Functions app. The business role Analytics Specialist (SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST) contains this catalog by default. If you want to give business users with the Billing Clerk (SAP_BR_BILLING_CLERK) business role access to the app, a key user can assign the Analytics - Query Design business catalog to the Billing Clerk business role.
      • Incompletion data: You can specify whether you want to release billing for documents with an accounting block, an error in the accounting interface, or an authorization error.
    • Once you have defined all relevant parameters, you can check if the specified data is correct and schedule the billing document creation. The new creation job then appears in the application jobs list.


      If you choose immediate release, the final status may not be visible immediately (depending on the processing times). Please refresh after a few moments to see the final status of the release job. You can't make changes to a scheduled job once it has been created. If you need to change a scheduled job, you can cancel it from the application job screen if it has not run yet.
  • Copy an Existing Release Job

    If you want to schedule a release job that is similar to an existing release job, you can copy an existing release job and edit the copy as required. All parameters, including the recurrence, are copied.

Schedule Billing Output

SAP New Job: Schedule Billing Output interface highlighting step 3, parameters. With the Parameters section displayed containing data entry fields for Output Data, Billing Data, and Processing Mode.


With this app, you can schedule billing document output (for example, invoices for customers) by creating billing output jobs. You can also display, cancel, and copy these billing output jobs.


You can only schedule output for output items whose status indicates that they are relevant for further processing.

You can start the output of billing documents immediately or schedule it to run in the background. Note that you can reduce system load and processing times by running billing document output during periods when system usage is lower (for example, at night). The initial screen (application jobs list) provides an overview of all billing output jobs.

Key Features

  • Basic Filtering Options

    • Status: You can filter billing output jobs by their status (for example, to show jobs that are scheduled, canceled, or in process).

    • Date: You can display all billing output jobs that exist for a given date range.


      Billing output jobs that are canceled before their start date do not appear in the application jobs list. Billing output jobs that are canceled after the start date and before the end date are shown in the list as canceled.
  • More Filtering Options

    You can also filter by job ID, run ID, time from, time to, description, name, and more. You can save your filter settings together with your view settings as a page variant and manage these saved page variants.

  • Billing Output Job Details

    You can view the details of a billing output job by choosing the respective row. The job details vary according to how you set up the job. If you have specified a recurrence (for example, every day) you can view the recurrence details here. Single run indicates that no recurrence has been set. Some of the other job details you can view here include the following:

    • Planned start date and time

    • Actual end date and time

    • Time zone of job

    • Parameter settings

  • Job Log

    • You can access the job log as follows:

      • From the log status field on the job details screen

      • By choosing the icon displayed in the log column of the application jobs list

    • By default, the following information is displayed for each logged event:

      • Status and description

      • Time stamp

    • You can display additional log information by adjusting the view settings. You can access the job details directly from the job log.

  • Schedule Billing Output

    You can schedule the output of billing documents from the application jobs list by creating a new job.

  • Basic Scheduling Options

    You can define which billing documents you want to output and when the output should start. You can choose to start the output of billing documents immediately or at a later point in time. If you want to schedule the output of billing documents for a later point in time, you can enter a start date and time manually or select them from the calendar.

  • More Scheduling Options

    • Change the time zone

    • Schedule a recurrence so that billing documents are output at regular intervals (such as every minute, hour, day, week, or month, or at custom intervals you have set, such as every five days)

    • Specify an end date for the scheduled output of billing documents

    • Choose to run billing document output only on working days

    • Choose whether billing documents are output on non-working days

    • Choose the appropriate calendar to include the public holidays for your country or region

    • Reset the chosen recurrence

  • Scheduling Criteria

    • You can select parameters to determine which billing documents are to be included in your new output job.

      • Output data: You can choose one or several output channels (for example, email and print).

      • Billing data: You can specify billing documents numbers, billing date, sales organization, distribution channel, division, sold-to party, payer, and destination country or region.

      • Processing mode: Three different processing modes provide you with granular control over your scheduled output jobs, enabling you to selectively resend output items as required. You can choose between the following processing modes:

        • First processing: Only output items that have not yet been processed are selected for processing.

        • Error processing: Only output items that have already processed with errors are selected for processing.

        • Repeat processing: Only output items that have already been processed (with or without errors) are selected for processing.

    • Once you have defined all relevant parameters, you can check if the specified data is correct and schedule the billing document creation. The new output job then appears in the application jobs list.


      If you chose immediate output, the final status may not be visible immediately (depending on the processing times). Please refresh after a few moments to see the final status of the output job. You can’t make changes to a scheduled job once it has been output. If you need to change a scheduled job, you can cancel it from the application jobs screen if it has not run yet.
  • Copy an Existing Output Job

    If you want to create an output job that is similar to an existing output job, you can copy an existing output job and edit the copy as required. All parameters, including the recurrence, are copied.

  • Output Sort Order

    • You can specify a sort order for the billing documents that you include in your output jobs. For this purpose, you can choose from a selection of predetermined sorting criteria, such as the following:

      • Billing Document / Item / Channel (Descending)

      • Partner Function / Customer / Channel (Ascending)

      • Channel / Billing Document / Item (Descending)

    • The sort order that you choose is applied to the billing documents in your output job. The documents are output in that same sequence.


Personal Reflection

Think about a time when you or a client experienced operational challenges, such as billing errors or miscommunication in sales order processing. How could the features of SAP Sales Order Processing within SAP S/4HANA Cloud have helped address those challenges? Reflect on specific tools like Manage Sales Orders, My Inbox, or Schedule Billing Creation.

Expert Response

As an experienced SAP Sales Order Processing consultant, I recall a client in the professional services sector facing frequent billing errors and miscommunications between sales and accounting departments. By implementing SAP Sales Order Processing, we optimized order management through the Manage Sales Orders app, ensuring accurate and timely sales order creation and tracking. The My Inbox app enabled real-time task management and communication, significantly reducing miscommunications. Additionally, the Schedule Billing Creation app allowed us to automate the billing process, ensuring invoices were generated accurately and on time. These tools transformed their operations, leading to a more efficient and error-free sales order processing workflow, and ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, we explored the essential elements of SAP Sales Order Processing within SAP S/4HANA Cloud to help you make informed recommendations for implementation. Here's a recap of the key points linked to our objective:

  1. Understanding Sales Order Processing Features:

    We covered the core functionalities of Sales Order Processing, including creating and managing sales orders, billing documents, credit memos, and debit memos. These features are crucial for optimizing sales order management, a vital aspect of your role as a consultant.

  2. Integration with Backend Systems:

    We highlighted how Sales Order Processing integrates with other SAP applications, ensuring seamless data flow and efficient end-to-end sales processes. This integration is fundamental in providing holistic solutions to your clients.

  3. Roles and Responsibilities:

    We discussed the roles of billing clerks, project managers, and project accountants in using Sales Order Processing tools. Knowing these roles helps you recommend the right tools and processes to improve operational efficiency.

  4. Real-World Applications:

    We examined various use cases across industries like professional services, manufacturing, and utilities. These examples demonstrate the versatility and scalability of Sales Order Processing, enabling you to tailor recommendations to specific client needs.

  5. Practical Tools and Techniques:

    Through demonstration videos and graphics, you saw Sales Order Processing in action, from order creation and management to billing and invoicing. This practical knowledge is essential for evaluating the system's capabilities and advising clients effectively.

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