Knowledge quiz

It’s time to put what you’ve learned to the test, get 8 questions right to pass this unit.

Which of the following is not a typical benefit that the SAP Intelligent Agriculture solution delivers?
Choose the correct answer.
What are some examples of business areas supported by SAP Intelligent Agriculture?
There are two correct answers.
Which areas of business does SAP Intelligent Agriculture support?
There are three correct answers.
What benefit does SAP Intelligent Agriculture offer in the sphere of consumer transparency and sustainability?
Choose the correct answer.
Choose the Farming capabilities enabled by SAP Intelligent Agriculture.
There are two correct answers.
What are the main segments that SAP Intelligent Agriculture supports?
There are four correct answers.
What is a primary function of Farm Data Management in SAP Intelligent Agriculture?
Choose the correct answer.
What is the role of the Farming Cockpit in SAP Intelligent Agriculture?
Choose the correct answer.
Which of the following is a key benefit of Farming Intelligence?
Choose the correct answer.
Where can customers and partners easily discover, consume and test the ready-to-use APIs offered as part of SAP Intelligent Agriculture?
Choose the correct answer.

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