Farm Data Management builds a solid foundation for all farming processes along the plan-to-harvest cycle. It enables agribusinesses to manage farming and field data consistently across the enterprise, and to easily integrate with the Intelligent Suite of SAP solutions.
Farm Data Management provides the following capabilities:
- Enterprise-wide farming domain data and process model: Provides a unified domain data model, a single source of truth, where master and structured transactional industry specific data is stored.
- Consistent process for managing farming data: Contains the base data model with all necessary farming-related entities to organize, track and store your data, collected daily.
- Simple and open access to farming data through different roles: Provides easy access to stored data via maintenance user interfaces that enable companies to create, see and alter records based on their needs.
- Powerful, ready-to-use APIs: Comes with a wide range of REST APIs that allow agribusinesses to connect various systems to SAP Intelligent Agriculture accessing and working with their data. All API definitions are published on SAP Business Accelerator Hub for customers and partners to easily discover, consume and test.
- Support for side-by-side extensibility using the SAP Business Technology Platform.
Benefits of Farm Data Management
Farm Data Management delivers the following benefits:
Consistency in Farming Data
Enable productivity gains and value of data insights by improving the quality of your farming data. Connect existing data sets by establishing semantic consistency in your farming data.
Broken Farming Data Silos
Foster collaboration of different teams and stakeholders across your organization by enabling them to use a unified farming data set.
Increased Agility and Speed of Innovation
Increase the agility and speed to build, pilot, and implement innovations that help you differentiate by using powerful, simple, and clearly defined APIs. Keep a stable backbone for your farming data and processes while innovating efficiently.