Importing Input Tax Code and Withholding Tax Code Master Data


After completing this lesson, you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the essentials to import tax code and withholding tax code master data.

Importing Input Tax Code and Withholding Tax Code Master Data

In SAP Ariba Procurement, the master data for input tax codes and withholding tax codes plays a crucial role in accurately calculating taxes during procurement processes. Importing this master data ensures that the system has the necessary tax codes available for use. This lesson will guide you through the process of importing input tax code and withholding tax code master data in SAP Ariba Procurement.​

You can import the Input Tax Code and the Withholding Tax Code master data from SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA (on premise) to SAP Ariba Procurement solutions using The Managed Gateway for Spend and Network. As part of importing the tax code master data using this feature, three files are generated in SAP ERP S/4HANA (on premise), in CSV format:​

  • TaxComponent.csv​
  • TaxCodeHeader.csv​
  • TaxCodeDetails.csv ​

This feature supports the import of the tax code master data in the Full Load mode only.​​

You must manually import the tax types and tax type mappings to SAP Ariba Procurement solutions. You must also ensure that the associated tax type is linked to the company code in SAP for the withholding tax.​


To learn more about the prerequisites and restrictions for importing Input Tax Code and Withholding Tax Code master data, refer to the following section of the SAP Integration Suite, Managed Gateway for Spend Management and SAP Business Network Overview Guide:

Working with Master Data > Import Master Data for SAP Ariba Procurement solutions > Import Master Data > Import Input Tax Code and Withholding Tax Code Master Data > Prerequisites and Restrictions

The following table lists the input and the output structures for the input and the withholding tax code integration:

Input Structure for Input Tax Code Output Structure for Input and Withholding Tax Codes







To import the input tax code and the withholding tax code master data, you can use the ARBCIG_MASTERDATA BAdI. You can also use this BAdI to fill the AppliedOn field for the tax code with the base amount type other than Net Amount or Gross Amount.​

The following table lists methods that you can implement:

Method NameDescription
PUBLISH_WHTAX_COMPONENTPublish the withholding tax component details after processing
PUBLISH_WHTAX_CODEPublish withholding tax code details after processing
PUBLISH_TAX_COMPCustomize tax components
PUBLISH_TAX_CODE_V1Publish tax code details after processing

You must maintain the mapping of the input tax code details in SAP with the relevant tax type in SAP Ariba. This configuration is required to map the correct tax type in SAP Ariba applications with the tax code details that are maintained in SAP such as condition type, country, input tax code, and tax jurisdiction. ​​

To maintain the mapping of the input tax code details in SAP with the relevant tax type in SAP Ariba, using the transaction code SPRO, navigate to Integration with Other SAP Components > Managed Gateway for Spend&Network for Buyer > Master Data Integration, and select the IMG-Activity for Maintain Tax Type .​

You need to maintain the values in following fields:​​

Condition TypeEnter the condition type in SAP for the input tax code. ​​The condition type indicates whether during pricing, the system applies a price, a discount, a surcharge, or other pricing elements, such as freight costs and sales taxes. For each of these pricing elements, there is a condition type defined in the system.​
Country Key​Enter the country key for the input tax code. The system uses the key to determine the relevant taxes during pricing.​
Tax Code​Enter the input tax code. Tax codes are unique per country. The tax rate calculation rules and additional details are associated with each tax code.​
Tax Jurisdiction​Enter the tax jurisdiction, if applicable. The tax jurisdiction is used for determining the tax rates in the USA. It defines to which tax authorities you must pay your taxes. It is usually the city to which the goods are supplied.​
Tax Type​Enter the relevant tax type maintained in SAP Ariba.​

When you need to send additional Input tax Code and Withholding Tax Code information by enhancing the output structures, follow these steps:

  1. Add the required additional fields in the following input structures to enable them to retrieve data from the database table:
    • For the input tax code, add fields in the ARBCIG_TAX_CODE_V1 and/or the ARBCIG_TAX_COMP structure.
    • For the withholding tax code, add fields in the ARBCIG_WITHT_COMMON structure.
  2. To import the input tax code and the withholding tax code master data to the output structure, use the BAdI, ARBCIG_MASTERDATA.
  3. Maintain the mapping of SAP tax code fields to relevant Ariba tax types in the Maintain Tax Type table, if required.
  4. Run the program ARBCIG_MASTER_DATA_EXPORT to import the input tax coe and the withholding tax code master data to SAP Ariba Procurement solutions.

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