In this lesson, we will create screens for our custom business object and adapt them to our needs.
This involves two steps:
- Screen generation for a business object is executed from the Developer Desktop
- Adapting the screens is carried out in the UI Designer per screen
Creating screens for a business object is very straightforward. The studio will add controls for all header fields based on their data types and will even include their labels, provided you have maintained them in the business object definition. This serves as a good starting point and additional controls can be added, or existing ones modified, using the UI Designer.
The following video demonstrates how to generate the typical set of screens for our business object, including a working navigation between those screens (Thing-Based Navigation):
As we have seen in the video, single screen creation provides an alternative to a scenario with the full set of screens. This can be helpful if you don’t need the full set of screens.
In our case, it makes sense to use the full screen scenario, since it includes a new work center, object work list, and so on.
After the screens have been generated, they appear in the Project Explorer next to the business object. From there, you can open a screen in the UI Designer with a double-click or by right-clicking and choosing "Open in UI Designer" from the context menu. Furthermore, the context menu allows you to preview screens from the Developer Desktop without starting the UI Designer.
In the following chapters, we will carry out some basic adaptations on the Quick Create (QC), the Thing Inspector (TI), and the Object Work List (OWL) screens.