Manage Purchase Orders
Using the Manage Purchase Orders app, you can manage consignment purchase orders.

When creating purchase orders for the supplier consignment process, you, as the purchaser, must use the item category Consignment (K). The item category Consignment (K) triggers the supplier consignment process.
The following is a list of key features of the Manage Purchase Orders app:
- Display a list of purchase orders according to filters.
- Create a new purchase order. To create a PO, choose Create.
- Jump into the details of a specific purchase order to review it.
- Edit an existing purchase order.
- Add attachments to the PO.
- View and resend output items.
- Filter according to Supplier, Purchasing Group, Company Code, and Status filter criteria.
- Save your personal filter criteria as a variant.
If a purchase order is subject to approval, it must be approved before the following steps are taken: Use the My Inbox (F0402A) app to approve the purchase order.Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document

This application enables you to post goods receipts with reference to a purchase order. After entering the purchase order number, the system selects the open goods receipt quantities. You can adjust the proposed quantity. You define the storage location and the stock type. A purchase order item quantity can be distributed to several storage locations/stock types if required.
The item category Consignment (K) from the purchase order item causes the goods receipt to be posted to the special stock supplier consignment.
Display Stock Overview

This app allows you to monitor your stock. You maintain selection data on the initial screen and then evaluate.
An overview of your own stock and consignment stock is displayed according to your selection criteria.
If consignment stock exists, the line vendor consignment is displayed for the relevant storage location. You can select this line to display detailed information on the consignment stock.
You can also manage stock using the Stock-Single Material SAP Fiori app.
Transfer Stock – In Plant

With this app, you can make transfer postings within a plant. In particular, you can use this app for transfer postings between a supplier consignment stock and your own stock.
For supplier consignment, the following postings are possible with this app:
- Transfer postings of a supplier consignment stock between the different stock types (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, and blocked stock).
- Transfer postings of a supplier consignment stock between storage locations.
Transfer postings between stock types and storage locations can be combined in one posting. For example, you can post a quantity from supplier consignment stock – from blocked stock in storage location 001 – to unrestricted-use stock in storage location 002. - Transfer postings from a supplier consignment stock to your own stock
A transfer from consignment stock to your own stock can only be posted from unrestricted-use stock to unrestricted-use stock.
The Transfer Stock - In-Plant (F1061) app supports several movement types for different business processes. The app offers you authorization-dependent movement types. You have different authorizations depending on your business role. If movement types are missing for your task or you have restricted authorizations for a movement type, double-check that the correct permissions are assigned.In addition, the app supports the following technical features and options:
- This app includes SAP CoPilot. This digital assistant in the SAP S/4HANA system supports you with features such as business context awareness or quick actions to manage follow-on activities directly from the app.
- This app supports specific authorization checks for transfer postings. The app does not support transfer postings for materials assigned to an inspection lot. You need the relevant authorization for the Quality Technician role for further goods movement (activities) with such materials. With this quality management (QM) role, you can carry out further transfer postings for the materials in the stock during quality inspection. Therefore, you can navigate directly to the Manage Inspection Lots app.
If you notice an error in posting stock changes, correct the error by reversing the material document and posting the stock changes again. To reverse the material document, use the Material Documents Overview app.Post Goods Movement

This app is based on the SAP transaction MIGO. Among other things, MIGO enables you to post goods issues from the supplier consignment stock. For example, it is possible to post a goods issue for a production order or a cost center or to directly withdraw material for scrapping from a supplier consignment stock.
Please consider the following when posting a goods issue from supplier consignment stock:
- Choose the transaction/event Goods Issue.
- Choose the relevant reference document; for example, choose Other for an unplanned goods issue and Reservation for a goods issue with reference to a reservation.
- Choose the relevant movement type.
- On the item level, enter the relevant material, plant, storage location, and stock type. Enter the special stock indicator K for consignment and the relevant supplier.
Material Documents Overview

The Material Documents Overview (F1077) app provides comprehensive information on material documents through an intuitive and easy-to-use SAP-Fiori-based user interface. This app delivers highly flexible displays of lists of material document items. It also offers various possibilities to find a document via innovative search patterns and search methods: You can now directly filter for material documents showing stock changes, such as the search for stock increase. You can also access a detailed view of the document flow and material details from here. In addition, you can reverse a material document.
If you want to display all material movements related to the supplier consignment stock, filter for the relevant material numbers and the special stock type K for consignment. You will obtain a list of goods receipts, transfer postings, and goods issues. If you choose a particular document, you can display the document details and the document flow. Since a goods receipt to consignment stock is not valuated, the document flow does not show any accounting document as a follow-on document, unlike a goods issue or a transfer to own stock.

Create Consignment and Pipeline Settlement

Removing material from consignment stores or transferring material to your company’s own stock results in liabilities toward the supplier. It would be best if you settled these liabilities at regular intervals.
Consignment materials are settled without the supplier issuing an invoice, as the supplier company cannot track withdrawals directly.
You can use this app to select and settle withdrawals that have not yet been settled.
You can also use this app to display both settled and not settled withdrawals.
Consignment settlement is connected to message determination. A message record is created during each settlement and can be transmitted to the supplier.