Creating a Document Distribution


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Create a document that communicates a compensation plan to payees
  • Create a document distribution with a workflow

Compensation Plan Documents

The Document Distribution tool allows an administrator to create and distribute documents to payees using a basic workflow. You can create two types of documents to distribute:

  • Plan documents are dynamic documents that can be distributed to each individual payee to communicate details of their individualized plan. To create a Plan document, set the form type to Plan. This will allow them to pull plan data into the document to make the document creation process easier, faster, and more accurate.
  • Other documents allow you to distribute static documents, such as employee manuals or non-disclosure agreements, to your payees for acceptance. Usually these documents are distributed as PDF files. To create a static document, set the form type to Other. This prompts the user to attach a PDF or other static file. Use this option to send static documents such as Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Document Distribution has three sections:

  • Documents
  • Distributions
  • Distributions Tracking

To create a document distribution:

  • Create the document
  • Create the distribution and workflow settings
  • Distribute the document
  • Track the distribution

Creating a Plan Document

When creating a document using the Plan form type, the Document workspace works much like a text editor.

  • Use the toolbar to customize the form, insert a logo, and change the formatting.
  • Once you select a compensation plan, it populates compensation elements that are used within that plan. The administrator can then insert those values into the document.

Creating a Distribution

Once you have created one or more documents, you can set up a Distribution. A distribution is used to package multiple documents and configure the workflow before distributing them to your payees. You can add up to five documents to a distribution.

The workflow feature in Plan Communicator is designed to allow business users to easily configure a process in which a set of documents is approved and distributed to each payee for acceptance before a plan is put into effect each fiscal year.

The Distributions workspace can be found under Manage Plans – Plan Communicator – Distributions.

Generating and Distributing the Plan Documents

The next step is to generate and distribute the plan document to your payees.

Generating the document creates a draft of the plan document for each individual payee. This can be run separately or together with the actual distribution. This then sends the document to payees.

Tracking the Distribution

Finally, administrators can view the status of the distributed documents in the Distributions Tracking workspace. This list can be filtered by distribution, status, position, or participant.

Exercise: Create and Distribute a Plan Document

In this exercise, you will create a plan document and distribute it to one of our payees, Amy Whitton. To see what the experience will be like for Amy, you’ll start by designating yourself as a proxy for her.


  1. Designate yourself as a proxy for Amy Whitton.

    1. From the Applications menu, return to the Incentive Management Portal.


      You may need to log back in.
    2. Select User Administration.

    3. Add Amy Whitton as an Internal User.

      • Expand the Users menu on the left navigator.
      • Select Add Internal User icon.
      • Select Find .
      • In the First name, type Amy and select Search.
      • Select the link for PA-1121.
      • Select Add.
      • Under the Users menu, select the link for Amy Whitton .
      • Scroll down to Proxies and select Add.

      Enter you User ID in the Proxy User field and click Save.


      Your User ID is your email address. If you don’t remember your User ID, use the Find button to search by your first or last name.

  2. Create a Plan Document.

    1. Return to Incentive Management using the application picker in the upper right.

    2. Create the Plan Document.

      • Select Plan Communicator - Documents in the Manage Plans tile.
      • Select Create New Document .
      • Set the Effective Dates from January 2023 through December 2023.
      • Type "2023 Sales Rep Compensation" in the Name field.
      • Select Plan in the Form Type drop down.
      • Select BikesInMotion in the Business Unit field.
      • Select the Plan in the Select Plan drop down (Choose 2023 Sales Representative Plan).
      • In the text box on the right side, enter the following text:

        Welcome to your 2023 Compensation Plan!

        Your quarterly quota is:
      • Place the cursor on the next line in the text box and use the following steps to add the fixed value that contains the quarterly quota:
        • In the Document Content section, select Fixed Value.
        • Select the link with the fixed value FV_Quarterly_Sales_Quota:quarter to add the fixed value as a placeholder.
      • Optionally, add other fields from the plan details.
      • Select Save.
  3. To preview the document for Amy Whitton:

    1. Select the Preview link in the upper right.

    2. Select the link for SR-EMEA1.

    3. To return to the document editor, select Go to edit view.

  4. Create a Distribution

    1. Expand the left navigator pane.

    2. Select Plan Communicator → Distributions.

    3. Select Create.

    4. Set the Effective Dates from January 2023 through December 2023.

    5. Select OK.

    6. Enter the name 2023 Sales Rep Distribution and scroll down to Documents and Workflow section.

    7. Click inside the Add Documents section.

    8. Type 2023 and select 2023  Sales Rep Compensation.

    9. Select Add.

    10. Scroll to the Workflow Settings section.

    11. Select Save.

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