Lesson Overview
In this lesson, the following topics are discussed:
- Process overview of convergent invoicing.
- Understand convergent invoicing in SAP S/4 HANA Context.
- Demonstrate switch framework-relevant business functions.
- Demonstrate a basic process in SAP CI - Show the terms of SAP CI in the system.
- Show the terms relevant to SAP CI in the system.
Business Example
Print Service Corporation has SAP Convergent Charging as a rating and charging system and SAP S/4HANA with activated convergent invoicing for billing and invoicing processes.
SAP Convergent Charging

Repro: Not possible. Convergent charging is not available as a training system component in AC245.

The figure merely provides an impression of the look and feel of SAP Convergent Charging.
SAP Convergent Charging was born as Highdeal Transactive in the labs of France Telecom in 1996. Highdeal Transactive was an initiative to solve issues common to the many billing systems used by France Telecom at the time. SAP Convergent Charging is a cross-industry monetization platform that provides clear business benefits for a broad range of industries, from telecommunications, high tech, media, transportation, postal and shipping, finance, and utilities. This innovative platform enables companies to monetize services dynamically and in real time. It also enables them to manage revenue sharing between diverse business partners, and sustain massive transaction volumes, while rapidly changing their business models and optimizing profitability.
SAP Convergent Charging is designed for business users as opposed to specialized IT staff. Compared to other systems, the solution uses a very different way of representing pricing and charging logic, namely through decision trees. The intuitive, graphical user interface supports business configuration without lengthy coding cycles when making changes or designing new pricing models.
The decision trees allow for a genuinely flexible expression of configurable pricing and charging logic. They are easy to learn and easy to use. This is not a fill in the blanks model where the pricing logic is predefined, and all the user can do is set price levels or tiers. Pricing and charging logic are built up by assembling decision trees containing simple components. These components are like simple building blocks that users can put together in many different ways. There are no constraints on the depth of the tree or the way in which users choose to sequence the different decision building blocks. In this way, users can create exactly what they need, without requiring custom coding or change requests from SAP.
This different approach is the primary reason why our customers choose our solution.

- Mediation System
A mediation system provides consumption data records. As there is no mediation system in place, you need to simulate the consumption data records. In this case, simulate means having a CSV file, where records are stored in a simple table-like structured text file. The values of the CSV file have to be edited manually for individual usage.
The CSV file is then uploaded to SAP CC, where the consumption data records are transformed to chargeable items by a specific field mapping (chargeable item mapping).
- SAP CC System
Incoming consumption data records are called chargeable items in SAP CC. After the rating process, the chargeable items are transformed into charged items by a specific field mapping (charged item mapping).
The charged items are sent to SAP CI using the bulk loader process. As the fields of the charged items and billable items are equal, no further field mapping is necessary. Bulk loading is generally a scheduled process, so it has to be triggered manually for testing purposes.
Incoming charged items are called billable items in SAP CI. Billable items are stored with the processing status billable or raw, depending on possible issues that may occur during loading.
Follow the path SAP Easy Access menu → Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project to SAP Implementation Guide. Select the first node in the SAP Implementation Guide, Activate Business Functions (transaction code SFW5).

The switch framework enables optional activation of business functions:
With the switch framework, you can control the activation of SAP ERP objects. Activating a business function triggers switches, which then influence the execution of the code enhancements. These switches ensure that you only see the new functions if you have activated them. All functional changes, and the impact of an activated business function, are made clear in advance by the documentation. Once a business function is activated you cannot reverse it.
The activation process starts a job in your SAP system that automatically performs all the changes in the system.