Exploring the Data Flow


After completing this lesson, you will be able to identify the types of data and the steps in the data flow between SAP Business Warehouse and SAP Analytics Cloud

Data Flow

The Project: Understanding the Master Data and Transaction Data Flow

Before you start your integration project, you need a better understanding of how the data flows work between SAP Business Warehouse and SAP Analytics Cloud in an integrated solution.

The data flow from SAP Business Warehouse to SAP Analytics Cloud includes the following components:

  • Characteristics
  • InfoProvider
  • Queries
  • Dimensions
  • Models

Watch the video to find out where the data is stored and how it moves back and forth between SAP Business Warehouse and SAP Analytics Cloud.

Master Data

Master data in SAP Business Warehouse is stored in Characteristics such as account, profit center, and product. They have member IDs, text, attributes, and hierarchy data that you must import to SAP Analytics Cloud to perform planning activities.

The account characteristic is displayed in the following image. You can see, for example, that account is compounded to Superior Characteristic ZCOA, as accounts belong to a chart of account.

SAP Business Warehouse master data. Characteristic ZACCOUNT is displayed.

Transaction Data

In SAP Business Warehouse, the transaction data is stored in a type of InfoProvider called an Advanced DataStore Object (ADSO).

In the following example, the Sales ADSO is displayed. It contains historical sales transactions that are updated daily from the source ERP system. The ASDO contains characteristics such as account, profit center, fiscal year, and posting period.

SAP Business Warehouse transaction data. ASDO SALES is displayed.

The actual transaction data is stored in SAP Business Warehouse. The actual data is imported using existing SAP Business Warehouse queries into SAP Analytics Cloud where the planned values are determined. The plan data is exported to SAP Business Warehouse for plan vs. actual reporting and other processes.

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