Editing Published Events


After completing this lesson, you will be able to edit published events in Guided Sourcing.

Edit Published Events

Making changes to published events

If an event is open for responses, the project owner can make changes to the event without needing to stop or close it. If they need to edit items such as the event's line items, questions, suppliers, selection rules, or the team for a published event, they can do so by navigating to the event's More Actions (…) menu and selecting Event Options, then Edit Event.

A Guided Sourcing event is open with the More Actions menu expanded. The Event options and Edit event path is highlighted.

Editing published events and event versions

When a project owner edits a published event, the system creates a draft version of the event where the changes can be made, without affecting the published version of the event. During the edit period of the draft, the published version coexists until the new draft version with the changes is published and replaces the older version.

When there is a draft of the event, the project owner can alternate between the draft and published versions when performing an event search:

Event Search page is open with the Action menu expanded where the View Draft and Monitor options are highlighted.
  • To switch the view to the published version of the event, select ActionsMonitor, to perform event administration tasks such as deleting bids or extending and reducing the timing of lots or line items.
  • To view the draft version, choose ActionsView Draft, to make changes to the event, such as editing the content, suppliers, translations, and team. Some event details cannot be edited after the initial draft has been published. For example, select event rules cannot be changed, including the item bidding rules and several duration rules. Other event information that cannot be altered between versions is the currency, event type, and template.

Editing questions in Guided Sourcing

Project owners can easily view and modify the question attributes for the event within the Questions, requirements, and attachments panel, as there is a table that displays the question's Initial Values, response types, References, Required answer setting and an Actions menu to edit the item's complete attributes.

The Questions, requirements, and attachments panel is expanded with three questions within the Questions, prerequisites, requirements and attachments table. The Response Type menu is highlighted and expanded from within the table to edit a question's Response Type value.

If multiple questions need to be changed and have their response type and rules replaced with new values, project owners can mass-edit questions by selecting the questions they wish to edit to the left and then choosing Edit questions.

The Questions, requirements, and attachments panel is expanded with three questions within the Questions, prerequisites, requirements and attachments table. The edit questions button is highlighted. The bottom displays the following action, where the Response Type and Rules can be set for the three items that were selected.

Editing multiple line items simultaneously

Guided Sourcing allows project owners to mass-edit line item attributes across multiple items in an event at once.

By selecting the checkbox to the left of the line item, project owners can select multiple line items at once and choose the Edit terms option to be able to make the changes across various line item terms with one move.

Project owners will select the terms they wish to edit under the Term attributes tab, which shows the line items where the term exists. The Rules and Initial values appear within the right side of the Term attributes tab and allow project owners to change their values.

The Edit terms option is highlighted with multiple line items selected in a guided sourcing event that is being edited. The Mass edit page displays five terms with a custom term chosen in the Term attributes tab. The right side of the Term attributes tab displays which values and rules can be changed.


Not all line item attributes and values are editable between project versions.

Project owners can use the Add terms icon after selecting multiple line items to create new terms and apply them in various line items at once.

Notifying event participants about event updates

When editing and republishing an event, project owners can choose to send the Event Edited and Republished notification to event participants.

The project owner can include a personalized message for participants when editing and republishing an event. For instance, they can summarize the changes made to the event and highlight any updates that may require participants to take action.

The Update Event page is open prompting the project owner if they want to notify participants of the changes.

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