Monitoring Events and Reviewing Bids


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Summarize event monitoring actions.
  • Navigate monitoring page for Guided Sourcing events.
  • Use the Bid Console to monitor auctions.

Event Monitoring Actions

Guided Sourcing event monitoring

After an event has been published, project owners will monitor their event to see how many suppliers have bid, when the event ends, and how many items have been bid on by participants.

Some common actions that Project Owners can take when monitoring published events are:

  • Pause and resume the event to halt the event timer or continue its count-down.
  • Extend or reduce the timing of the event to grant more time or reduce the amount of time remaining for responses.
  • Cancel the event to end the event and close it altogether.
  • Edit the contents such as content, team or rules.
  • Communicate with event participants using the Messages Board.
  • Submit surrogate bids.
  • Lock participants out of the event.
  • Resend invitation emails.
  • Download bid reports and supplier attachments.

Navigate the Monitoring Page

The Monitoring Page

Project owners can use the Monitoring Page to stay current with event activities and take action through various tools and links. This page appears when guided sourcing events are open to participant responses and it can be accessed from the Monitor event button that appears after the event has been published or from the event's Summary panel.

Published Guided Sourcing event alert is open with the Monitor event button highlighted

The event monitoring page consists of three event related information panels:Monitor event, Items that need quotes, and Questions, requirements, and attachments. Each panel enables you to monitor and take actions on specific areas of your event.

Navigating the Monitoring Page

Play the video below to see how to navigate the Monitoring Page for guided sourcing events and what data elements and actions can be found in each panel. See how to edit the duration of the event from the Monitor Event panel.

The Bid Console

Monitoring auction bids in real-time with the Bid Console

Auctions are commonly open for participant responses while the project owner actively monitors the event as it progresses through its lots and line items. Since this occurs in real-time, the Bid Console page of the guided sourcing user interface enables you to perform real-time monitoring of bids received in English and Dutch forward and reverse auctions as well as Japanese reverse auctions.

The More Actions menu on a guided sourcing event is expanded with the Event options, View bid console path highlighted.

Bid Console content

From the Event Monitoring page of the auction event that you want to monitor, choose the More actions icon in the top-right of the event, select Event options, and choose View bid console.

The Bid Console page provides you the following details:

  • Supplier participation information such as number of suppliers invited, participated, and declined, in graphical format and as text.
  • Recent bid information such as items, suppliers, and bid amounts.
  • Event duration information such as start time, end time, and remaining time.
  • A graphical representation of bids received for the event.
  • A table that lists the lot and item information such as status, historical price, lead bid, and lead bidder for the item.
    • The table can enter full screen mode and have its columns rescaled or hidden.
    • Line Item entries can be expanded or collapsed using the corresponding icons.
  • A View details option for each of the items and lots to help you access the Item details page that contains details such as the header information for the item, item settings, item-level bidding rules, and bid history for the item in graphical and tabular format.

Tracking recent bids

To monitor all recent bids in chronological order within the Bid Console, choose the View all link in the Recent Bids section.

The Recent bid page is open in the Bid Console. The Bid History table appears below the graphical view of recent bids by submission time.

The Recent bid page provides graphical view of recent bids with the Bid History table which lists line items by row. The graph view can be filtered using the top fields:

  1. Lot can be used to filter on the lot or line item name.
  2. Organization can be used to filter based on supplier name.
  3. Status can be used to filter based on the item status, such as awarded or pending selection.

Watching line items and item cards

A Watch option allows project owners to select up to four items and view the bid details for those item in cards that contain tabular and graphical representation of the bid data.

The Bid Console page of an event is open with three line items in the Items table. The first two line items are selected with the Watch button highlighted.
  • Item cards show the top six bids for the item and details such as the supplier name, bid amount, and the time the bid was submitted. The item card view can be switched between table view and graph view.
  • Graphs of the top bids for the selected items are displayed with a Bid History table that shows the status, lead bid, lead bidder, and bid submission time for the selected items.

Bid Console actions and deleting bids

Project owners can perform the same actions in the Bid Console as they could from the Monitoring Page in addition to deleting bids:

  • Stop event
  • Cancel event
  • Reduce timing
  • Extend timing
  • Edit event
  • Copy event
  • Download event summary
  • View audit logs
  • Bids can be deleted if submitted erroneously.
    • Within the Bid Console go to the Recent bids area, locate the bid that you wish to remove and choose the (>) icon and Delete bid.
    • If the deleted bid is the best bid, the second best bid automatically changes to the best bid.

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