Summarizing Event Reports in Guided Sourcing


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Summarize event reports in Guided Sourcing.
  • Download supplier attachments.

Evaluate Bids with Event Reports

Summarizing Guided Sourcing event reports

You can use guided sourcing event reports to analyze bids and scenarios and to retain information about events.

Below is a table which summarizes the common event reports, their content and formats in guided sourcing.

Bid SummarySummary information of bids. Only the most recent bid for each participant is shown (no bid history is included). It also includes initial, historic, and reserve values and indicates which suppliers are incumbent.Excel
Bid HistoryRecords for all bids submitted by participants, with the date and time.Excel
Configurable Bid ComparisonComparison among values of terms and rolled-up terms, formulas, item rank, percentage differences from the lead bid, and supplier responses to your questions. You can filter the report data by participants, items, and terms.Excel
Full Bid DataThe most recent bids for all suppliers and all other bids for the event, including the leading bids and system bids, such as initial and historic bids.Excel
Supplier ResponseSupplier responses to the event and a summary of the event and its content. You can select the participants and items to include in the report.PDF
Scenario ReportAward scenarios that can be analyzed using Excel functions.Excel
Supplier Invitation ReportExport a list of invited suppliers (participants) from an event. You can select all or any columns from the supplier information to be included in your report.Excel
Event SummarySummary of the event header fields, rules, content, and current item values, but does not include bid details. (Not suitable for comparing or analyzing bids.)PDF
Items Rank ReportRank of each participant selected for the report. You can view the leading (best bid) participant and leading incumbent participant for each item.Excel


For events with more than 100 suppliers, the following reports are downloaded in XLSX format:
  • Bid History Report
  • Bid Summary Report
  • Questions and Terms Report
  • Bid Comparison Report

Generate Bid Comparison Reports

Download Supplier Attachments in Guided Sourcing Events

Downloading supplier attachments

Suppliers can add attachments when they respond to an event with their bid response. These supplier attachments for guided sourcing events are displayed in the supplier column of the line items table and can be downloading by selecting specific attachments displayed in the line items table. You can also download all or multiple supplier attachments at once by using the Download supplier attachments option available under the More icon (...) and Download during the Monitor, Review Responses, and Award phase.

In order to download supplier attachments, you must ensure to select at least one line item and one supplier. A zip file will be downloaded with individual folder for each supplier. Each folder lists all the attachments from the specific supplier.

Download supplier attachments window is open with one line item selected. The right side of the window displays a participant search table that can select attachments to download.


You can download supplier attachments up to a maximum of 500 MB file size by using the Download supplier attachments option. If the total file size of the attachments exceeds 500 MB, an error message will be displayed.

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