Creating a Report in SAP Crystal Reports From a SAP HANA View


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Start SAP Crystal Report
  • Create a Report based on a SAP HANA View
  • Save the report to the SAP BI Platform

SAP Crystal Reports

Report Creation With SAP Crystal Reports

When you launch SAP Crystal Reports, the Start Page appears. It displays links to the reports that were recently opened, various report creation methods, the help system, and other useful resources. It also allows you to create a new blank report.

There are three ways to create a new report with Crystal Reports using these methods:

  1. Use a Report Wizard: Wizards, which are also known as Experts, provide a step-by-step process for creating reports of a chosen type.
  2. Construct the report manually: You can start with a blank report and build its elements from scratch.
  3. Create a report from another report: If you have an existing report that contains much of the information and formatting you need, you can use it as a template and adjust any elements that are not correct.

Regardless of which method you use to create a new report, the first step to specify a data source. This data source can come from an existing connection or a new one.

If you choose to use a blank report as the basis of your new report, the Database Expert opens automatically.

Once you have placed fields or objects in your report, you may want to change their appearance. Crystal Reports enables you to change many of the formatting attributes.

Create an SAP Crystal Report Based on a SAP HANA View and Save it to the SAP BI Platform

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