Exporting Software Collections


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Describe a 3-System Landscape
  • Identify Software Collections and extensible items
  • Perform exports of Software Collections

3-System Landscape

Sarah: "Hi David, now we'll talk about transport and landscapes! Have you heard about the "3-System Landscape"?"

Sarah: "Your SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition system is generally offered as a 3-System Landscape. This means that all custom configuration takes place locally within a Development Tenant.

All custom configuration is then transported to the Test Tenant and subsequently to the Production Tenant.

I've suggested to David the following link to get more information about this topic."

Learn more about SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public edition and search for the term 3-System Landscape.

Software Collections

Software Collection

Authorization items such as business roles, business catalogs, spaces, and pages must be configured and maintained from the Development tenant and moved via transports to the target systems.

These items must be placed into a transportable package known as a Software Collection.

For example, all extension items that belong to an implementation in the Financials area are assigned to the same software collection.

Extension items from another area can be assigned to another software collection.

Best Practice

Keep an extension item assigned to the same software collection for its entire lifecycle.

SAP Note 3116689 - Export Software Collection - Best Practice


An SAP Support or S-User ID is required to access the SAP Note.

Best Practice

You can use the Export Software Collection app to transport business roles from your development system to your target system (where the system administrator would import the received transport via the Import Collection app). You should keep the imported business role unchanged after it has been transported. It should be kept unchanged locally but only updated with a new transport. Local changes should only be carried out in urgent cases. 

Some technical points to consider:

  • Once you've transported a business role, no change documents will be written for this business role in the productive system. Change documents for transported business roles are only available in the quality system.
  • If you transport a derived business role, the leading business role and all other derived business roles must also be added as dependencies to the transport request.
  • If you transport a leading business role, all derived business roles must also be added as dependencies to the transport request.
  • Please note that business roles pre-delivered by SAP (whose ID starts with SAP*) cannot be transported.

Export a Software Collection

How to Export a Software Collection

  1. Open the app Export Software Collection.
  2. Create your software collection and give it a unique name. You can't use the same name for two different software collections. Items with dependencies have to be exported in the same software collection.
  3. Add your extension items (for example, business roles, spaces, and pages) to the software collection.

    If you want to export items with dependencies to other items, you can click Add Missing Items to add all dependent items to your software collection.

  4. Select Export. You can export All Items from your software collection or just the Changed and Deleted Items.
  5. a. Select Changed and Deleted Items to export new, changed, or deleted items to the production system.

    b. Select All Items to export items that are new, unchanged, changed, or deleted in the current software collection.


Exported software collections will be imported into the relevant Target systems using the system administrator via the Import Collection app.

Export Software Collection

In the exercise below you will create and export a software collection.


You are now acquainted with the following notions: 3-System Landscape, Software Collection, extension items, and their transportation.

It's no secret how to handle Software Collection exports in IAM.

Further Reading

Learn more about SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public edition and search for the term 3-System Landscape.

SAP Note 3116689 - Export Software Collection - Best Practice


An SAP Support or S-User ID is required to access the SAP Note.

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