Introducing the AI Workbench Capabilities


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Visualize Predictive Indicators using AI Workbench
  • Get to Know the Available Predictive Models
  • Configure, Run, and Publish a Model

Visualizing Predictive Indicators using AI Workbench

Quick Introduction on the AI Workbench

The AI Workbench serves as a powerful tool that can be used by business users, marketing analysts, and data scientists to configure Predictive Indicators. Predictive Indicators leverage AI models that can be trained on your customer Activity Data taking into consideration existing Processing Purposes attached to it.

The AI Workbench can help you quickly build dashboards to display insights for specific populations and segments, as well as update and customize them, by providing access to pre-built analytical insights, and more.

It also enables users to build models using ready-made or tailored AI algorithms. For instance, it can be used to predict customer churn likelihood, evaluate risk levels for specific groups, and forecast customer lifetime value based on particular topics and timeframes.


A dashboard is a central display that organizes key information based on individual preferences.

The main advantage of a dashboard is its ability to bring all essential data together in one place, making it easy to track important insights at glance.

You can have multiple dashboards. Each dashboard can have a specific layout. Each panel inside a dashboard layout can hold one analytic graphic showing the results of a Predictive Indicator Run ID. Dashboards can be edited, have their layout changed, duplicated, and erased too.

dashboard selector showing two pie graphics. Both pie graphic displays the numbers categorized by high in blue, medium in orange and low in light blue. The first graphic is named Churn Probability By Risk Level, the second is named Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Profiles

Getting to Know the Available Predictive Models

The AI Workbench currently support the Configuration and Run of Churn and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Models for both Profiles and Groups use cases.

When using one of the additional Accelerators, the system adds support to design Propensity to Buy Model for Profiles and Groups use cases.

The Churn Model helps you to predict what is the probability of losing a customer in the future (up to 12 months). It breaks down your customer base into High, Medium, and Low probabilities.

The Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Model helps you to predict how much value a customer will generate to your business (up to 12 months). It breaks down your customer base into High, Medium, and Low values.

The Propensity to Buy (it currently requires the licensing of SAP Customer Data Platform, advanced insights) helps you to identify how likely customers are to buy certain products or products from a given category. It generates several Profile or Group Segments based on Predictive Indicators for Total Activities, Total Orders, or Total Spending in a timeframe.

Configuring the basic settings for these other models not shown here follow the same steps as described on the previous section (O2 – Configuring, Running, and Publishing a Model). Each model type will have specific settings, conditions and advanced parameters.

To find out more, please follow the links below:

Configuring, Running, and Publishing a Model

In simple terms, a model is a mathematical tool that represents objects and their relationships. Within the AI Workbench, a model is essentially an algorithm that processes data, identifies patterns, and generates predictions. For instance, you can build a model to estimate the likelihood of a VIP customer leaving your service.

When you save the settings of a model the system creates a new Predictive Indicator with the Settings you chose.

You can filter the customer data that’s part of the model run by Segments, Processing Purposes, and how much customer data in the past will be considered (Observation period). You can also configure some of the model basic and advanced parameters.

The Manage Models showing on the left a list of available Models like Churn and Customer Lifetime Value for both Profile and Group. In the center there’s a new configuration of a Predictive Indicator with various basic settings.

The condition field (in the screen above represented by the Churn condition) establishes a custom boolean criterion that will be used by the model to help defining the value of the indicator for each customer. In the image we can read the Churn condition as: count all orders grouped by month in the last 2 months that are smaller than 2. Meaning that customers with zero or only one order will have a great impact on the churn indicator.

You can pick other different Churn Condition Templates to leverage existing common scenarios or starting point of your custom criteria building.

Use the Visual Editor or the Editable Text to modify the churn condition to fit into your business needs. The Visual Editor allows you to insert Operators, Variables, Functions, Customer Schema attributes, and Literals. The Editable Text allows you to freely type-in the Condition instead of visually building it.

The Churn Condition showing a visual editor and textual criteria builder. The visual editor shows a criteria containing functions, schema attribute, operators, variables, and literals.

You can also leverage pre-built Templates to see examples, or pick one Condition based on common scenarios or as a starting point for your custom criteria.

Please see some Churn Condition Templates available out of box in the table below:

No Orders in the Last 90 Dayscount(Activities.Orders.Id , inLast(90 day)) = 0
No Orders in the Last 3 Monthscount(Activities.Orders.Id , inLast(3 month)) = 0
No Orders in the Last Yearcount(Activities.Orders.Id , inLast(1 year)) = 0
Repeated Low Number of Monthly Orders in Last 3 Monthscount(Activities.Orders.Id , groupBy(month) , inLast(3 month)) < 2
Repeated Low Average Spend in the Last 3 Monthsavg(Activities.Orders.Amount , groupBy(month) , inLast(3 month)) < 5

As you can tell, functions such avg, count, max, min, sum are supported. Other functions such as groupBy will group the aggregating functions per a certain amount of time, and inLast filters the data by a certain amount of time in the past.

If you are configuring the Customer Lifetime Value CLV Formula instead which projects a resulting value to the model. The CLV Formula screen is very similar to the Churn Condition, sharing most of its elements.

The CLV Formula, showing a visual editor and textual criteria builder. The visual editor shows a formula containing functions, schema attribute, operators, variables, and literals.

Some of the Templates offered by the CLV Formula field:

Sum Amount for Last 90 Dayssum(Activities.Orders.Amount , inLast(90 day))
Sum Amount Without Tax for Last 90 Dayssum(Activities.Orders.Amount , inLast(90 day)) - sum(Activities.Orders.Tax , inLast(90 day))
Average Amount for Last 90 Daysavg(Activities.Orders.Amount , inLast(90 day))

After successfully running your model configuration (or Settings), the system will catalog that in a Run ID, and you can choose which RUN ID will get published into the corresponding Predictive Indicator in the main CDP Console.

The system also allows you the ad-hoc generation of different Run IDs by choosing Run Prediction, Stop a currently executing Run, check the execution Log, Copy a Run ID with Status Completed to create another Predictive Indicator with copied over Settings, Edit the Scheduled Prediction to keep your Indicator up-to-date, or Delete a Run.

The Churn Condition showing a visual editor and textual criteria builder. The visual editor shows a formula containing functions, schema attribute, operators, variables and literals.

Go back to the main CDP Console, select Activate on your new Predictive Indicator so you can use it to generate various Insights such as Segments, Explorations, Audiences, CX Journeys and Flows.

A list of Predictive Indicators showing a disabled (red icon) Churn Predictive Indicator that’s about to be Activated, and another CLV Predictive Indicator already enabled (enabled icon).

Going back to the AI Workbench Console, you can also Schedule Prediction executions of an existing Model Run to keep the corresponding Predictive Indicator updated.

Schedule Prediction screen showing Model type, Predictive Indicator name and Run ID, also providing scheduling settings such as Start time, Time zone (GMT), Schedule type as Every X days or certain Days of the week, Periodicity, Enable toggle and End date.

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